Mooncake created a topic of The Dirtiest High

Girl I let this marinate only to find it finished huuuuh ???

Wackus Bonkus says kill Ben he literally doesn't want to be saved this talk no jutsu isn't going to work

Mooncake created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Oh no two strings is going to have a cow lick when her hair grows

Baby byul will always be my favorite he just looked like an airhead lol

Mooncake created a topic of Jinx

If I waved some cash bitch get the fuck outta here

My heart is literally crying for Joseph rn omg he's literally been there for her even in death it's so sad that he's just going to remain the loyal knight

Mooncake created a topic of Dear, 00

So eve without his memories is a cutie patootie while Michael seems so mature in way idk

Mooncake created a topic of Jinx

I hate this little shit show Dan is going through ughhhh

Mooncake created a topic of Shutline
Mooncake created a topic of The Man At Night

Sigh I completely forgot about the break up and that creepy woman

Mooncake created a topic of The Titan's bride

Is that wolf going to die that farewell was tooo off for me

Have their chins always been this long ?? Like everyone's chin is giving Natalie nunn

Mooncake created a topic of Honey Bear

Granny is so smol and cute omg

Mooncake created a topic of Dear, 00

Apple ?? Like Adam's apple pleaseeeeee

Mooncake created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Never Forget Mi-ok yup I'm definitely crying

OMG my nephew is so big now I remember when I saw you getting made

Mooncake created a topic of Arthur

No offense but for a detective Arthur is kinda a dumb bitch where's the critical thinking ???

Mooncake created a topic of Jinx
Mooncake created a topic of Dreaming of the Dokkaebi

Sigh the good looking one are always the bad bastards wtf does he even want