thewanderer222 October 6, 2023 11:18 pm

Why do authors think adding harem is good? Like collecting swooning females like some pokemons. As if it’s not enough that the guy is totally op and each female
Around him must be all over him and real special like saintess, super strong swordswoman, even super pretty great mage mom and strong swordwoman plus pretty cousin. And all they will ever amount to will be to hope to get some sort of romantic attention to ever obvious mc. Idk it ruins everything absolutely everything for me. And somehow no matter how special these women are they’ll be total airheads unable to protect themselves without mc obviously. Ruins everything for me.

    PoloDolo October 12, 2023 11:52 am

    And don’t forget a slave/made

    Greyishin October 18, 2023 12:42 pm

    Harem -> every midschooler wet dreams

thewanderer222 October 3, 2023 9:04 pm

I really really like this one! This game like choices and options plus the maturing of the mc and the anxiety with his decisions is super fun for me and new honestly, and there is ongoing different plots which can be revealed piece by piece that is also really interesting. Anyway great job to the author, artist and translation team!

thewanderer222 October 3, 2023 1:19 pm

What did women do for them to be just shitty characters that ruin great stories? If authors just use female characters for this it’s better for them to just draw males and never use female characters at all like ever.

thewanderer222 October 2, 2023 7:58 pm

What is the name of the webtoon at the end of the 118th chapter if anyone knows?

thewanderer222 October 1, 2023 12:16 pm

Can anyone spoil me from the novel like how the story will go when yvonne gets back and how the story will proceed and finish regarding yvonne? Like major stuff in a nutshell

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:01 pm

    Are you... do you really want to know ? I read the novel like for real read it, so ik what will happen. I can give u the heavy stuff rn. Are you sure u want it though ?

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:13 pm

    Big ass spoiler no one is ready for --->>>

    (Part 1)

    On the SAME DAY as Pen's 18th birthday. Her shitface brother Derek will barge in the ballroom during the party with Ivonne holding his hand. He brought back the long lost Ivonne, Pen's nightmare, on her BIRTHDAY (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Pen will be so tired of all this shit. Of her family, of her fears. she will drink POISON RIGHT AWAY. IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. TO DIE.

    After that, she will be in a coma for i can't remember how long, and when she wakes up either Calisto or the duke is by her side. He is heartbroken she drank poison, and during her coma yelled the shit out of derek for ruining Pen's coming of age ceremony by bringing Ivonne like that.

    Derek, the dumbfuck, won't understand why people are mad at him and aren't overjoyed Ivonne is back (PEN KILLED HERSELF, MORON).

    Ivonne is back, but her comeback isn't like Pen expected. She wasn't thrown out of the mansion and no one is crying their heart out by lost princess's comeback

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:18 pm
    Are you... do you really want to know ? I read the novel like for real read it, so ik what will happen. I can give u the heavy stuff rn. Are you sure u want it though ? Bea

    Part 2

    (Im skipping some stuff.)

    Calisto was by Pen's side during the entire coma btw. Dude was miserable. In love.

    Ppl dont feel for Ivonne the affection (except derek) because Ivonne is in fact Leyla. Leyla took over Ivonne's body and Ivonne died the day she disappeared when she was 10. Leyla killed her years ago and was in her body all this time.

    Leyla tried to kill Pen and everyone else. A mini civil war like war broke out between Leyla, her followers and the duke family + Calisto.

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:27 pm
    Are you... do you really want to know ? I read the novel like for real read it, so ik what will happen. I can give u the heavy stuff rn. Are you sure u want it though ? Bea

    Part 3.

    During this war, Pen was KIDNAPPED by Eclis who, SURPRISE, betrayed Pen. Eclis is the one who brought Ivonne back to Derek on Pen's birthday. He did it so that Pen will be rejected by the ducal family and be abandonned by them so that Pen and him can run away together he can have Pen for himself forever. That dark red we see on his hair is the colour of obsession. Eclis is a yandere who would rather die with Penelope than lose her.

    Callisto searched everywhere for her and saved her from Eclis. Penelope is the one who killed Leyla (thanks to some mirror ? Cany remember dont abt it pls).

    Leyla and her followers were destroyed. People see Callisto (and Penelope too i think) as the saviours of the empire (as they should. Leyla wanted to destroy and kill everyone).

    Eclis ran away (Pen let him. Even after his betrayal she couldn't bear to kill him. So she told him to disappear.)

    After all this, the ducal fam begged Pen's forgiveness. And Derek the moron went on his knees to confess to Penelope. (Tell her he was mean because he couldn't stand treating her like a sister, because he is in love with her). Penelope cut him and said "dont you dare tell me you're in love with me." And left without letting him confess. She went to Callisto and told him she is in love with him (hehe). They officially became a couple.

    Suzzu October 1, 2023 6:32 pm

    (note i read the spoilers years ago so I some details may be wrong or diff)

    Near the prep for Penelope's coming of age, Eclis brought in Yvonne (something about he found her). This is very much a betrayal in Penny's eyes since with Yvonne's gone the hostility of the mansion staff is sure to spike and will demand the three the 'fake/adopted' princess (Penelope) because the real one is back.(and it did happen.

    The staff treatment of her is spiked) Eclis knew this would have happen and did it on purpose bc Penelope refused his suggestion of eloping (he doesn't want her to stay in the mansion with people hating her) days earlier. This broke the relationship between them. Note that Yvonne brainwashed Eclis, the brothers so they easily give in to jumping to the worst conclusion when it comes to Penelope. The brain wash made them see her a villainess that hate/bully Yvonne.

    The fathers is happy Yvonne's back but still love Penelope too. Even if Penelope asked to cancel her coming of age party/debut (bc it's sure the nobles will remark and talk about how she will get kicked out bc Yvonne is back), the Dad did it anyway and threw and GRAND coming of age party with all the things penny liked and things original Penelope asked him in the past. All this to prove to make up for his absence (0 parenting) in her life in the past and to show she is strongly loved and won't be kicked out.

    Penelope however is not happy at all. All her works did nothing. The mansion hates her (except duke, Butler, emily), pink brother is back to not thrusting her fully bc of Yvonne's brainwash (so we sort of lost the sibling bond he started to have with Penny), he has no way out since Eclis betrays her, Yvonne's staging her poisoning scene where it will come out Penelope's the culprit ( she's recreating a scene from the game where she can get Penelope out of the picture and get/brainwash Prince) ... Yvonne's plans backfired because Penelope is so broken and done with everything she grab the glass (she was supposed/set up to pass it to Yvonne thus become 1st suspect) and drink the poison in front of everyone while saying "to the real princess(yvonne) return~". She almost dies.

    Duke and prince search for the culprit, i could be wrong but they suspected it was Yvonne's maid. Yvonne's brainwashed the maid so she was out of suspect but, was confined in her chambers while Penelope is recuperating thanks to Vinter antidote. When she woke up she ask the duke to let her go since she hates the mansion and everyone hating her. Duke refuse since he see her as her daugther. Penelope then ask Duke to look at Yvonne's reflection (mirror doesn't show her) and thus he starts to suspect Yvonne is not his daughter when they have tea and saw she didn't a reflection on the tea .

    At this point Eclis is no longer trusted by Penelope, he doesn't want to be abbandoned and is jealous about the Prince who is close to Penny. Yvonne used these feelings of his and brainwash him to start a rebellion agains the kingdom and Prince (i don't remember this part well sorry). Everyone found out Yvonne is possessed by Leila leader of a cult and an immortal and dark being. Kinda like Voldemort in HP.. Also Eclis rebellion is backed up by Yvonne/Leila's followers.

    There was a fight where she attacked the Duke (thanks to Penelope's charm/gift, one we see in the webtoon too, he teleportated away) and Derrick tried to stop Yvonne but couldn't because she's his sister. Yvonne stabbed himself (i could be wrong but he broke the brainwash after this). At this point, Penelope left the mansion. Derrick is healing and Pink brother (idk remember how write his name haha) become alcoholic because he realizes he did Penelope wrong again when he was brainwash, while drunk he ask Penelope (who's not around) to forgive him.

    I don't remember much this part, but Prince stopped the rebellion and Eclis dies while still being brainwashed. Penelope beat Leila who told her, she repeated this timeline as Yvonne hundreds of times (like a game played repeatedly) and killed Original Penelope purposely each time and confess that this time it was harder to brainwash everyone especially The Prince (because he cannot love Yvonne since he loves Penelope already). I don't remember how Penny defeated her (something about a mirror...), Vinter was trapped in something to help Penny defeat Yvonne. He could have defeated Yvonne but couldn't because she saved him when he was young. He firmly believes Yvonne could be saved and change bc she was nice to save him. However Yvonne back then was already possessed by Leila (she was setting the trope for him to fall in love in her so she can easily brainwash him).

    After defeating Yvonne/Leila, the real Yvonne appear (just her feelings), since she was possessed when she was young she's like a girl / child and she ask Penelope to tell her brothers she loves them or thank them they kept searching for her... I don't remember. In the middle of this mess, Calisto/prince announced his engagement to Penelope and Penelope started living in the castle (she love him so she was okay with it). With Yvonne gone, Callisto hunting Leila/Yvonne's leftover followers, Penelope come backs to the mansion to say her final goodbye to the Duke and yell him Yvonne/Leila is dead. and she admits she'll never forgive them for her mistreatment / (i think she did it for Original Penelope tho). The duke begs to not leave the family (he's ok with her leaving but not her not being his daughter anymore. She's her daughter in his eyes no matter what). The duke ask her where she will go. And she told him she doesn't know yet (she has no intention of staying in the castle. She still wants to be archaeologist like she wanted before becoming Penelope).

    She goes to her room and the mansions staff/servants are all respectful of her now because she's gonna be queen, she saved them from Leila/Yvonne. But she doesn't care for any of it. She just went back to see Emily (maid) and get rid of all the things related to the game and affection raising system. Like Derrick necklace gift. She went to incinerator to burn them personally.

    That's when a wounded and still recovering Derrick shows up and ask her stays and not marry the Prince. Penelope told him Real Yvonne's message and told him she won't because she doesn't want to be threatend like a caged bird. She's referring to Derrick's method of keeping her bad reputation around so he can keep her locked in the mansion and thus not be with the prince. Note that Derrick is in love with Penelope all this time and she hated being called brother by original and present Penelope bc he doesn't want her to be his sister (he doesn't want to replace Yvonne with her too).

    He even tried to force her to stay by grabbing her hand but was stopped by the Prince who came bc he was worried this would have happen. Callisto told Derrick to back off. Penelope told Derrick to recover (he started bleeding during the talk). This they leave the mansion. Vinter was free too (i don't remember when it happened tho. He's still in love with Penelope).

    Altho Penelope and the Prince are engaged, it takes some years before they marry. This was possible thanks to the Duke/Father (altho she left the mansion, she was still registered as his daughter) who with his influence convinced the nobility to hold on the wedding. He also did because he hates Callisto (he's not good for her... He's acting like an overprotective Dad that doesn't want to see his baby-daugther marry haha). He also sent the flowers Penelope said she liked.
    Penelope is not aware of he's the one sending him flower however. She's not a flower person so she doesn't pay attention to the flowers that always there in a vase. After their farewell they never interacted again. This is also because Penelope is traveling around the world and become and famous Archaeologist (reason why the Duke see her as his pride too). Penelope got pregnant and went back to the mansion (it's tradition her family knows and approve the marriage).

    The Duke is overjoyed by her return. She also found out his hobby become gardening, the flowers he sents her are all grown by him. He did so because he wanted to do good and give her something she likes plus he realized the flowers are the only he knows Penelope likes (he realized how absent he was for her). She told she's pregnant and he's so shocked he asked to prepare the military because he thinks the Prince forced himself on unmarried girl which is also his precious daughter! Penelope cleared the misunderstanding and told him their (Penelope and Callisto) love is mutual.

    Time skip. Penelope got a daughter who's is magically gifted and powerful that looks like Callisto. Her daughter is very loved by the Duke and Pink Brother (in fact she lovesgoing to the duke's mansion

    Suzzu October 1, 2023 6:34 pm
    SPOILER(note i read the spoilers years ago so I some details may be wrong or diff).......Near the prep for Penelope's coming of age, Eclis brought in Yvonne (something about he found her). This is very much a b... Suzzu

    Sorry at the start i wrote "With yvonne's gone" it supposed to be "with yvnonne's back"

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:36 pm

    Part 4

    Penelope didn't want to become the crown princess at 18, so she told callisto they will be lovers and marry in a few years ( modern worlds).

    She also told the duke she wanted to become an architect (like in old world) and went to an university far away for her studies. She left the dukedom.

    The duke pays for her studies, but I think she went no contact with everyone in the dukedom until she came back to the capital like 3/4 years later. Callisto and her were in a long distance relationship and they would meet like once a week minimum.

    Why did she come back to the capital ? Because she fell pregnant of Callisto (not married yet lmao).

    The pregnancy part was AMAZING I LOVED IT, i will tell you how it happened if u wanna know (i read that part like 6 times.)

    The side stories of her pregnancy + what happened with Judith (her daughter) are my favorite part of the novel. They are a key part of the novel since she will see her real korean family again because/thanks to her daughter and be at peace with her past

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:38 pm

    There's also a moment when Penelope talks to the real Ivonne. The 10 year old Ivonne. She was a very cute kid who deserved to live and be happy, but she never could. They talk through a dream of Pen i think. It was wholesome and kinda sad.

    Im telling yall, the side stories are the best part of the novel. I adore the side stories of this story sm help

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:42 pm
    Sorry at the start i wrote "With yvonne's gone" it supposed to be "with yvnonne's back" Suzzu

    Girl i didn't pass 10 minutes to tell her everything just so you could barge in in the middle wtf

    Suzzu October 1, 2023 6:50 pm
    Girl i didn't pass 10 minutes to tell her everything just so you could barge in in the middle wtf Bea

    Lmao calm down.

    I didn't saw you were replying or any reply when I started writing.

    Bea October 1, 2023 6:53 pm
    Part 4 Penelope didn't want to become the crown princess at 18, so she told callisto they will be lovers and marry in a few years ( modern worlds). She also told the duke she wanted to become an architec... Bea

    By the way, during the pregancy side stories she sees Eclis again. At first he saves her life, but then abandons her when he sensed Calisto approaching (Pen was in a forest far from the empire, searching for a plant that tells a woman if she is pregnant or not. Callisto came to her because she was avoiding his calls.)

    Also, Callisto ordered every blond in the palace to dye their hair bc Pen loves blond hair.

    And, Eclis lost his memories. He saved Penelope but doesn’t know who she is. He can only tell she is from a past he doesn't want to remember.

    Yuuki October 2, 2023 5:57 pm
    SPOILER(note i read the spoilers years ago so I some details may be wrong or diff).......Near the prep for Penelope's coming of age, Eclis brought in Yvonne (something about he found her). This is very much a b... Suzzu

    God bless YOU for these spoilers

    thewanderer222 October 2, 2023 8:08 pm

    Guys you are both magic!!! Finally I can wait for the updates in peace! Because unlike everyone else here i really do understand and love out female lead and wish for her revenge and life to be happy <3

thewanderer222 September 29, 2023 12:24 pm

Its a comedy and i enjoyed it

thewanderer222 July 19, 2023 10:17 pm

Read Jinx first then this and compared to Jinx it looks so vanilla :D the Yaoi is getting more and more toxic in webtoons we’ll all end up in hell if this goes on ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

thewanderer222 July 19, 2023 7:56 pm

Plot yucky art yummy

thewanderer222 July 18, 2023 11:05 pm

It should be tv series honestly. All the characters are super developed, plot is superb and the yaoi is on fire couldn’t ask for anything else

thewanderer222 July 17, 2023 4:54 pm

Art sucks but the plot is funny so lets see

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