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AlexanderValmont's topics ( All 87 )

AlexanderValmont August 7, 2024 6:38 pm

some managas should just end... Naturo,,, fairy tail.... for god sake, let them rest forever. The story became so stupid... a fanficition.

    @BitchiSensei August 8, 2024 12:47 pm


    Asura August 8, 2024 2:58 pm

    I'd say it's still worth exploring the rest of the FT universe but the comeback of Oracion Seis/Sechs and Zero is just ridiculous pfft

AlexanderValmont May 2, 2021 7:31 am

Dear Future Aspiring Writers,

please take notes...... lot's of them.

This is how to write a romantic BL story without having to romanticize toxicity, rape, emotional manipulation. And without having to rely on old tropes (don't be afraid to experiment and write, this is how good materials come!)

OMG, this is seriously one of my favorite stories of ALL times.

    aggravated seme May 2, 2021 12:42 pm

    LOUDER FOR THE BL IN THE FRONT (cause its always the most bs that is praised (/TДT)/)

AlexanderValmont's questions ( All 12 )

AlexanderValmont February 28, 2021 11:57 am

Heyo, I'm looking for a BL bully recommendation (Seme or uke), but I'm not looking into something that is extremely toxic or that has rape

Like, bullying where the uke or seme bully the other, and when he starts to fall for the other party, he starts to treat him more gently.

Something like that.

I don't know if I made it clear enough, sorry for the bad description

(basically a no for me is something like: Physical bullying, rape, blackmail (Extreme blackmail) )

AlexanderValmont February 19, 2021 2:41 pm

I looked everywhere, I couldn't find any type of raws for master of master

originally I wanted to buy them (not expensive) but boomtoon policy is very idiotic regarding the phone number... so I couldn't :/ :/

Anyhelp whether where I can find the raws or buy the offical raws from the stupid site boomtoon

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