Bitch this is soo good also everyone in that family is so…. Like your daughter is basically mentally unwell and is disgusted by her bloodline either the dad or the mom could’ve pushed forward and explained what happened how they met and why her mother abandoned the church or explain her mother’s culture(?) bitch idk something to make it seem like she’s a human even tho she has that bloodline but they all just went quiet and said when its time they’ll tell and basically it was too late cause she started harming and nothing will go in her head cause she got Religious psychosis and after the mom left the dad just basically decided to LOCK her daughter when she’s basically not well like help her out somehow you’re still her parents?basically just leaving her out of all the family secrets and having her basically be in the dark and hearing ppl gossip badly abt her all the time like ???

The thing I'm wondering though is what if she's not wrong, maybe that's why the family just went quiet. Like her family being one of the founding families, suddenly rubbing shoulders with a dark plains woman? If I was a marginalized community looking to obtain some power in a world, you really couldn't get much higher than that I think. And we've learned they can control people through their dreams. And while they're certainly not all bad as the story is definitely showing us, surely they can't be all good too? What if her mom actually is a baddie? I feel like that's going to be one of the major plot twists at some point. That or her mom is the author who has been watching everything go down and cackling. I can't waitttt there's a reason she's being kept a secret, I can feel it in my bones.

I thought we getting the red head story what us going on

Don't think that will happen any time soon. The author wrote the story for Josh and Chase ~two years ago and it's still not adapted into a Webtoon. And i heard after that the author wrote a story about a the Miller's parens, and plan to write the story about the oldest brother Nathaniel. And also wrote a story about Keith half brother.
So i looks like the author pushed back the story of Dane and Grayson. And the Millers have 3 more children.....

Yall the real girl is actually nice but her body got took by a demon an old lady i think I forgot later she’ll forcefully took the evil spirit out and rania the real girl will get to say her last goodbye basically saying she would want a brother and a sister in another life and then her body just turns to dust also the main reason why her mom left is because she actually was conspiring with the villain which is the emperor but she basically fell in love and care for the dad and her son so she felt bad to both of them and run away with the sec child and the mom and the emperor is basically in this weird cult lol

wait y’all im forgetting why does he want to meet emilio cause he thinks she has a secret man and thats emilio right? In this timeline

Its because Emiliano is the owner of the green medallion/pendant thing, and ML wants to gift it to Inés, but the shopkeeper won't sell it to him without the owner's (Emiliano) permission... If I'm remembering the spoilers right, he regained his memories from past life after meeting Emiliano, plus he already seemed to have recalled that one incident in the forest from her life as the crown princess, so looks like it won't be long before he regains his memories..

What is there to tweak out? He will say that he will divorce Ines bc he wonder if Ines still love the painter but then decided not to so nothing will happen. They stay together. Besides the painter isn't even her one true love and husband. It has always been Carcel. It'll just take him longer to find that out.
Okay that granny notebook got me
Bro literally
Legit the thing that did it for me TT