they upload so little lol, i cant believe ive been following this since 2017 and theres only a little over 100 chapters. ive completely forgotten everything,,
It been like 12 years for me
hii is this gooddd?? im hesitating on whether i should start reading cz i heard it's pretty good but idrk if a classroom setting is fit for me
Judging by the comments i think it is
its soo good but it was discontinued
You should read the novel. It’s complete and the story is so nice. By the end I literally felt so proud of every character idk they grew on me
Read the novel, so good but also bittersweet as every story you come to like watching them grow up sighh
Where can we read a good trans and free? And what do you mean bittersweet, please tell me they end and together and live happily ever after.
Yes they do but it’s bittersweet because you just get attached to everyone and don’t wanna let them go
they upload so little lol, i cant believe ive been following this since 2017 and theres only a little over 100 chapters. ive completely forgotten everything,,
It been like 12 years for me