Uyu's feed

Uyu asked a question

So I'm trying to find this manhwa about a woman (brown haired I think?) and she's an "extra" or just an NPC in the story (she's not meant to be with the male lead is what I'm saying). Anyway, this husband of hers (blonde guy and male lead of the story) returns after years I think but he brings home with him this "strange woman" (red hair) whom is the "female lead" or the story. He claims that she's not someone special and is just a relative but it turns out they're secretly involved with each other. One day, our female lead caught them kissing and after that she decides to run away from the male lead wherein she left just a letter (saying that they're over I think and wishing them well?) and her wedding ring on a nightstand and she goes home to her family. I don't know the title, please help me.