Tbh i don't think taesoo is using for sex i think he has troubles admitting he actually loves the sunbae it might be because he is a man or maybe he has commitment issues idk but it's kinda obvious he has feelings for him that he cannot voice out and he just keeps saying " i dongle know i just wanted to .." tbh it's me who doesn't know what to think. I do like ho-in cz i could never be that straightforward and especially it's hard not to back off if your crush says they're into someone else so hés kinda something. I have mixed feeling about sunbae i think he's lost at this point even tho he could've handled his issues with taesoo like a grown adult. He should stand up for himself and make it clear to both of them what he wants to and maybe he should start by figuring out tf he is doing rn. As for taesoo bro i aint god but i think u gay and in love so man up or just go .

Y'all can come for my ass i don't give a shit but rape fantasies are fucking weird and creepy and that's how things escalate to rl so whoever uses that to excuse some of the comments can go also i don't wanna get myself involved in wether it's okay to like rape scenes in mangas or not but that was a point i wanted to let out

I was reading the comments and some people were saying things like " people can like rape as a fantasy it's normal to have that kind of fetish (in real life)" or something along those lines. And personally i don't agree that those fantasies should be normalized because that's how a mere fantasy could turn into reality and i think people who get those idea should seek therapy to get over it

I honestly not sure what to think about it, and I am sure a line should be painted somewhere, but we are here, reading a manhwa that sexualized rape, maybe we can overlook this cause the whole manhwa is not about it, we can consider it an unfortunate scene, but I checked your profile, and you also read Painter of the night, don't take this as me shaming you, but there rape is portray as sexy/erotic even if (as far as I read it) doesn't romanticize it.
Don't you think you (me also) form part of the very same thing you are criticizing?
I hope I don't come out as mean, but lately I have being really critical of what I consume, and I was thinking, it is even ethic to portray explicit rape in fiction? What is really the point of it?

No no I don't think you got what i mean . what i was talking about has nothing to do with manhuas i specified that those people were talking about real life situations so i gave my opinion about that. Also yes i do not mind rape in manhuas if it serves the plot. As long as it's fiction i could take anything but i certainly don't think that real life people should be considering rape fantasies as normal . I mean if someone came up to me and said they fantasize about raping someone i doubt i could feel comfortable around them .. that's a huge ass red flag ig

I would personally not get close to someone who said hat, however "rape play" is a thing, they do have pretty clear the rules they are playing with, at the end of the day it's still a consensual play, not actual rape, so idk.
Now, screaming you want to rape someone ew, I remember when I was first entering the fandom world, long ago saying you wanted to "rape" someone was like, slang to say they are cute, things like "violable 7u7" which means "rapeable", that has changed at least.
I was rooting for kwon all the way.. even tho he isn't all that kind but he treated him so tenderly when he needed him the most and ngl seems like he helped him one way or another BUT he really went and said that.. tf you mean you picked him up after he threw him dude
He needs therapy too