Comadrin March 19, 2021 12:07 am

I figured out what made me uncomfortable about this manga. It wasn’t the fact that she was pushed, intentionally or not, down the stairs and lost the baby. It was the fact that neither she nor Vasco grieved at all over the loss of their child. She grieved over having to leave him since she was no longer pregnant, and he was sad that she was going and felt guilty that he’d gotten her pregnant in the first place. Not a single stinking thought about the life that was snuffed out so suddenly. I have grieved more over the loss of a pet than they did over their child’s death. That whole reaction was just wrong.

    SayerSong May 31, 2021 1:20 am

    It was probably better dealt with in the novel, and they just cut it out for the manga. But yes, that is a MASSIVE disconcert.

    yaoi_lover1997 July 7, 2021 9:13 pm
    It was probably better dealt with in the novel, and they just cut it out for the manga. But yes, that is a MASSIVE disconcert. SayerSong

    there’s a novel?? is there an eng translation?

    SayerSong July 8, 2021 2:26 am
    there’s a novel?? is there an eng translation? yaoi_lover1997

    Yes. It's under the same title, "Witch's Harvest," by Sara Craven and is a Harlequin Romance Novel. It was written in English to begin with, so no translation was ever needed. You can find it probably find it on Amazon.

    Just so you know, btw, all the manga that are "Harlequin Romance" manga are based on actual Harlequin Romance Novels and can be found in English. And so far as I am aware, the titles have NOT been changed. At least not for any that I have read so far, which is quite a lot.

    They may not all be readily available anymore, but if you watch for them on Amazon, eBay, in used book stores, libraries, garage sales, etc., you should be able to track quite a few of them down.

Comadrin March 17, 2021 7:12 pm

I kept wondering why the heck they were all driving vintage cars. It didn’t dawn on me until the end of the story that it was set in the mid 1950’s. If the plane on pg 108 had a propeller instead of looking like a 747, my infantile mind might have grasped the truth quicker.

    Viv March 17, 2021 10:08 pm

    At least you grasped the truth...I needed your comment to realize

    valancy April 7, 2021 7:39 pm

    This is actually a sequel to another story called calhoun, and the mangaka has a little authors note at the end that she made the story have a 60s feel altho she said some of the things are anachronistic and to be lenient with her

Comadrin March 17, 2021 8:03 am

I noticed when they were looking at the house for her aunt and uncle that Leandros said that it had belonged to his Great Grandmother Marnie, and that she had been married but had no children. One would think that fact would keep her from having a Great Grandson, but this is Harlequin and anything at all can happen (and probably has).

    SayerSong June 19, 2021 5:46 pm

    THANK YOU! I was wondering if I was the only one to say "Wait a minute...." LOL I am betting they meant great-aunt or some such.

    Comadrin June 20, 2021 12:15 am
    THANK YOU! I was wondering if I was the only one to say "Wait a minute...." LOL I am betting they meant great-aunt or some such. SayerSong

    You are undoubtedly right, but I do have an awful lot of fun nit-picking these manga.

    SayerSong June 20, 2021 12:46 am
    You are undoubtedly right, but I do have an awful lot of fun nit-picking these manga. Comadrin

    Don't feel bad. So do I. LOL

Comadrin March 11, 2021 4:57 pm

The boo hoo poor me trope taken to a new height. Everyone in my life only wanted money, so I'll keep paying them. I made a deal to save your uncle's company because I love you. When he, whom I knew to be scum, told me you knew about it, I decided that I hated you, and would betray you in the most hurtful way possible. On seeing you again, I knew I wanted you, so I was as nasty and threatening as I could possibly be, and blackmailed you into being my mistress. I was really butthurt and couldn't understand why you ran from me, but seeing you nearly die, I decided to save your uncle's company and allow him to live his debauched and hedonistic life. You, the innocent then 18 year old, were the only one I was interested in torturing for the rest of your life.

Petra has taken the spineless, unbelievably stupid, masochistic FL to new heights (actually to new depths). She has boundless unconditional love for those who use her and betray her in cruel ways. Like another Harlequin (ha ha) heroine, she has Stockholm Syndrome without being kidnaped.

This story sucked. They worked so hard to make the ML unforgivable that I'm surprised they didn't have the FL working in a kindergarten so he could burn it down. I'm sure she would have forgiven him that as well. The way he spent the whole story targeting her, he would probably only have burned it down when she was the only person there. I still find it amazing that he continued to pay any demanded money to all the people that he KNEW treated him badly, but focused all his hatred on the innocent one that he suspected of bad behavior without an iota of evidence. Just another case of "You Always Hurt the One You Love."

Comadrin March 9, 2021 12:53 am

Not to be overly prurient, but the title, taken slang-wise, is hilarious, albeit pretty much of a dirty old man joke.

Comadrin February 25, 2021 4:16 am

The plot was stupefyingly unrealistic. I would also call it psychologically impossible. Here we have a sneering, bipolar misogynist who basically lives in an unhealthy world of his own creating. He also commits sexual assault on more than one occasion, once upon first acquaintance and within a few minutes of meeting the FL. Had he tried his shenanigans with a woman of brains and character, he would have found himself in jail. He’s obviously not a very young man and has been this way for a while. The idea that a few “home truths” from the FL’s aunt would magically turn him into the world’s most sensitive, empathetic, and gentle human being is ludicrous to the point of abject stupidity. One might as well expect the home spun wisdom of Jed Clampett from “The Beverly Hillbillies” to soften Joseph Stalin’s heart.
As to the FL: the poor girl was in definite need of intensive therapy. To immediately fall in love with a predator who attempts to rape her within minutes of their first meeting is mania in an acute form. She seems to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome without even being kidnaped. She needs to be protected from herself as well as nearly everything in trousers.
All in all, this has to be the worst example I’ve seen of the “my bad childhood is why I’m a psychopath” trope. It’s also a rotten example of the “love of a good woman saves the scumbag” premise, and both of these plot devices are not only overdone, but are corny as hell. It makes me think of actor Forrest Tucker’s line from an ancient movie “The Deerslayer,” where he said, “I need me a sweet and pure woman to help me mend my evil ways.” That was at least hilarious, even though corny beyond belief. This story takes itself too seriously to be funny.

    sungyoon February 25, 2021 5:12 am

    You beat me to write this, seriously it is very well written and quite on point
    They should stop with these tropes, it's influence could seriously give false expectations what should be acceptable or not in a relationship

    Devil February 26, 2021 1:20 pm
    You beat me to write this, seriously it is very well written and quite on pointThey should stop with these tropes, it's influence could seriously give false expectations what should be acceptable or not in a re... sungyoon

    Considering the book was originally published in 1990, it makes sense the book is outdated.

    Comadrin May 26, 2021 4:03 am
    Considering the book was originally published in 1990, it makes sense the book is outdated. Devil

    I don’t think that being outdated is the problem. This story would have sucked if it was written by Boccaccio at the time of the Black Plague in the 14th century. Come to think of it, the male characters in The Decameron, while totally horny, treated women better than this useless prick.

Comadrin February 23, 2021 5:14 am

It wasn’t as good as Ms Darcy’s “Dark Heritage,” but I liked it a lot more than some of her other stories, mainly because I didn’t feel homicidal towards the ML. It was entertaining.

Comadrin February 23, 2021 4:09 am

After the last batch of dreary and badly written kluge, we had a funny and decent romance. One character was quite annoying most of the time, but no one was toxic. There weren’t any rapes or near rapes, and there wasn’t a pregnancy mandating instant marriage. I also love how this mangaka draws self-satisfied MLs and then draws them looking confused, embarrassed or downright flabbergasted.

Comadrin February 22, 2021 5:12 pm

As Anon. said, he started off being extremely petty. I suppose he's going to run for president next, after cheating all the subcontractors. The whole premise of the bride running off just before the wedding and ML, who says he never loved her, having to boink the woman he threatened to cheat was bizarre, to say the least. He then comes up with the idea that she is having someone else's baby and is going to marry the man from a f*&#ing TABLOID article. I would have enjoyed it if it was straight comedy, but it's supposed to be romantic drama. Well, it didn't work.

Comadrin February 22, 2021 8:00 am

A gynecologist who rapes women and beats up pregnant women. Wow, I wonder how many repeat customers he gets. He certainly doesn't like women, or think of them as real human beings. Kind of like a veterinarian I once met who didn't like cats. And the ML, the great CEO, has all the self-control of a crack head. Almost made for each other.

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