Comadrin August 6, 2020 3:57 am

Her Queen of the Night scene was pure genius. I had to immediately put Die Zauberfloete on the CD player, and imagined Sarah sounding just like Rita Streich. If there's anything I love to see, it has to be a quintessential arrogant Harlequin ML having the rug yanked out from under him in classic style, and this was STYLE.

    MangaAnger9 August 6, 2020 6:49 pm

    I am glad that this story portrays a more nuanced FL who stands up to the arrogant ML and makes him really work hard for her forgiveness.
    I was very vivid when the FL is the one clearing up the misunderstanding and pointing how the ML has wronged her in a strong leading way with style ^^

Comadrin August 2, 2020 7:38 pm

A presidential candidate sends his innocent daughter to make (illegal, under US law) liaison with an unrecognised foreign leader at a sex club for billionaire Harvey Epsteins and their types. Then, when said leader kidnaps her (although she seems to be willing), he looks disapproving and has his wife tell her that leader boy is only using her (took FL long enough to figure that out). Sorry, but the plot was so over the top that Yaiba or Urusei Yatsura seems more realistic. Also, the characters were closer to one dimensional. They were like un-fleshed-out cliches (and unfortunate cliches at that).

    Comadrin September 15, 2020 7:12 pm

    Stupid me! Correction: The Epstein is Jeffrey and the Harvey is Weinstein. Since they were both mega-scumbags, I feel that I'm not the only person to get them mixed up.

Comadrin July 30, 2020 11:45 pm

I liked it. I really loved Tamara from the beginning. Sawyer started off as an entitled, supercilious jerk, but was brought up short by her leaving him and turned himself around in a pretty believable way. Her father, however, should have his face used as a mop for the floor of the monkey cage at a large zoo.

Comadrin July 30, 2020 10:02 pm

After their first meeting, when he announced to himself, "You will come to worship me soon," I had to stop reading and laugh for a while. Damn, there's entitled and then there's thinking that you're a god! He did have quite a dose of the "You know you want me" syndrome. I realised that no one could take him seriously when I got to their wedding when he showed up with a table cloth tied around his neck. I've been to a few Greek weddings, but this costume was definitely a first. I guess I just don't move in exalted enough circles. What was next...a lampshade for a hat?

Comadrin July 30, 2020 12:27 am

I liked the story, but their long and delicate noses were something else. As someone who has been around boxers from a young age, his schnoz would haven't have kept its long profile if he spent his time around a real boxing gym. Even wearing protective gear, long noses don't last in the ring!

    Yaoilover September 21, 2020 4:23 pm

    That sounds so scary. I have a big as nose.

    SayerSong June 25, 2021 10:32 pm

    Ah, but it never actually stated that he was a boxer (nor did it show him actually boxing). Just that the owner/manager of the gym he was staying at was like an adopted father to him, and he was a former cop.

Comadrin July 29, 2020 8:15 pm

Wow! This Harlequin Billionaire saw a magazine with his picture in it and decided that the newly discovered love of his life only wanted his money, and now he hates her. Are we sure that he isn't a brilliant billionaire Greek hotel magnate as discovered in "The Tycoon's Pregnant Mistress?" Thank heaven these cretins didn't go into jurisprudence as a career, although they would have made a successful life as a judge in parts of the United States, particularly if a person of colour was the one on trial.

    corali July 30, 2020 1:30 am

    agree with you, your comment is brilliant, made me laugh so hard, you are absolutely right.

Comadrin July 27, 2020 2:52 am

Sorry, but I couldn't stop laughing while reading this. I think it started with the art. Draco was supposed to be hotter than a young George Cluny, but he looked more like Lurch from the Addams Family, and his facial expression was as though he was constantly searching for and unable to find the men's room. The "plot" was, to put it kindly, bizarre. It was, however, certainly entertaining, although probably not in the way the author intended.

Comadrin July 26, 2020 1:28 pm

The husband is a moron. "My child is dead, my wife is overcome with grief. I need to go and work this out alone while I leave her with my parents and relatives who hate her." Aside from the FL, her late son, and the female cousin, everyone around them is a scumbag. The male cousin tells her she's scum on her wedding day. Her in-laws make no secret of their hatred and disdain for her. Her parents lie to her over and over. Her brother is going to kick her husband's ass, until the husband lends him money. Then loving brother cheerfully leaves her on her own and won't listen to anything she tries to say. (Little brother does this when he knows that she has gone to her son's grave for the first time since his funeral. Insensitive, much?) Her best friend and boss, Max, pulls a juvenile prank, and when it blows up on her, he thinks it's funny, until his girlfriend is pissed. He also makes light of her marriage and the man she's still actually married to.

With all the douche bags around them, I still could have liked the story a great deal more if the husband didn't spend his time acting like a near rapist and justifying it by how butthurt he was. If he was so rich and had investigators who took pictures of everything down to her pedicures and her breakfast menu, he certainly would have found out that she had been in the hospital for three months with a breakdown and that her tree-like boss (drill a hole, and the sap runs out) had a girl friend. It amazes me how these patriarchal male leads never realise how majorly responsible they are for the situation they find themselves in, and go around blaming mainly the victim. I guess the examined life is too feminine for these manly men.

Comadrin July 26, 2020 10:11 am

I still haven't figured out how the title has anything to do with the manga. Perhaps, considering the artwork, a better title would be "A Nose to Remember."

Comadrin July 26, 2020 8:50 am

Here we have an unknown lady who steals (more like recovers) stolen jewelry from thieves and returns it to the rightful owners. Then we have this "high class" policeman who has dedicated his professional life to catching her and having her executed. He shoots her without being sure that she is the "criminal." I must have really misread English history if the 1870's were so crime free that upper echelon police officers spent all their time chasing after someone returning stolen property. Can we say that this premise is as dumb as it can get? At least that's my take on the matter.

    Shades July 26, 2020 12:48 pm

    I wonder if peoples back then were as stupid as we are nowadays. Nowadays you can really be arrested to "steal" something that was stolen and return to his original owned.

    God Of Unknown July 27, 2020 6:46 am

    This is based on another famous female thief and is quite the common story. I’m pretty sure it loosely based on a real story that actually happen, but I’m not 100% what the name is or if I’m remembering that correctly. But here is another story based on similar events.

    Shiyai August 8, 2020 11:18 pm

    I think the police who searched someone who's breaking houses and stealing thongs. I don't think that the stolen properties was proved to be stolen. That might be because the jewels as stolen by higher nobles from commoners or lower nobles that they can't do anything about it

    Comadrin November 27, 2020 5:37 pm
    I think the police who searched someone who's breaking houses and stealing thongs. I don't think that the stolen properties was proved to be stolen. That might be because the jewels as stolen by higher nobles f... Shiyai

    Damn! I missed the whole premise of the story. I didn't realize that she was actually an underwear thief, stealing revealing panties! Still, that's no reason to shoot her.

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