She was in the hospital, having nearly died and having lost her 7 month baby. He wouldn't go and see her because he couldn't show her any weakness. I'm sorry to be so critical, but this dude is several members short of a quorum. A person would have to be hard-wired this way in order to be so divorced from normal human emotion.

To those who absolutely hate this because it isn't 24 and 7 mayhem and murder, or the dramatic and tender love story (a la Manon Lascaut) to end them all - just go on to something else. The whole point of this manga is to be hilarious, silly, ecchi fluff. It definitely succeeds at that. It's broad comedy, and you're supposed to read it for the laughs.

On re-reading this I noticed something. No matter how much of a flirt and how enticing Rosa was as a teenager what Sophia's brother did is called rape. What Leo did, then and later, was to blame her for it. Another point I noticed when Leo was getting all horndog and still thought the FL was his first cousin: the family is traditional Italian and therefore almost certainly Catholic. The Catholic Church does not condone cousin marriage and regards sex between cousins as incest.

I've never understood this trope about men sharing relationship details with their buds. "I only married her because she's pregnant." Okay, Butthead, it may have slipped past your pitiful little brain, but you just betrayed your wife. I have had disagreements and misunderstandings with my wife, but I never even told my father, mother, or sister, to say nothing of some pal. It's as though all these "high class" types the authors write about have all the couth, loyalty, and delicacy of a drug dealer living in an abandoned mobil home. I guess that the spirit behind, "Never kiss and tell" is long gone from our society these days. What's next, something like, "Hey Bro, let me show you the nude sneak pictures I took of my wife."

The very nadir of Harlequin style "romance," with all the ML's going past mere stereotypes into total cliches of toxically chauvinistic, misogynistic, and entitled playboys who believe they have the absolute right to have sex with any woman who catches their fancy. Basically caricatures of those for whom date rape is a way of life.

He was so twisted that they probably had to bury him in a corkscrew shaped grave. Just the fact that his children could believe that he might have murdered the mother of his illegitimate child tells me all that I need to know about him. All three stories with the posthumous letter about how "I made you all miserable and turned you into untrusting douchebags all for your own sakes" are ludicrous. I'm sorry, but irredeemable is the only adjective I can think of for him.
This is really cute and I'd love to see where it's going. Pity it hasn't been updated for four years. One can always hope.