Miyanoai September 26, 2014 1:44 am

Those who were curious about a certain author disappearing from AO3 might want to take another look on the VF page. XD (just don't say their name).

    tokidoki September 26, 2014 2:38 am

    I don't know if she is that worried about people saying her name, she pm'd me saying that she changed her name because her friends may have discovered her writings ... but I won't mention her name here either ... just in case. *winks* By the way, a certain fic that many wondered about has been reposted.

    Miyanoai September 26, 2014 3:57 am
    I don't know if she is that worried about people saying her name, she pm'd me saying that she changed her name because her friends may have discovered her writings ... but I won't mention her name here either .... tokidoki

    She wrote in an author's in that repost, requesting people not to say her former name, hence why I said that. I don't if it would have to apply here, but just in case. ;)

    tokidoki September 26, 2014 4:46 am
    She wrote in an author's in that repost, requesting people not to say her former name, hence why I said that. I don't if it would have to apply here, but just in case. ;) Miyanoai

    Ah, I did not see that, but I am keeping mum anyway - it's not my place to blurt out her name - or her new one for that matter =^*^=

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:18 am

    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer who is an attention seeker. how many writers have we seen delete all their fics and then suddenly appear with a brand new name but the exact same fics. Whats the point? why disappear in the first place? all you guys who look to these people as some kind of messiah fic writers, GET YOUR BRAINS CHECKED. They aren't doing this for anyone but themselves, they're selfish and eat your praise to feed their greedy egos. They churn out halfassed fics on a daily basis because all they want is more ego feed. I'm done with these stupid attention seeking bitches

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:47 am
    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer ... @Anonymous

    Couldn't agree more.

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:47 am
    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer ... @Anonymous

    And if she's so intent on keeping a low profile then why post the same things? I just don't understand.

    Sophia September 26, 2014 11:08 am
    And if she's so intent on keeping a low profile then why post the same things? I just don't understand. @Anonymous

    MTE. She's not doing a very good job of it!

    Honest Abe September 26, 2014 11:34 am

    Why even mention her at all, or allude to her? That's a way to start controversy, and while that wasn’t in your true intention, i'm sure, next time refrain from doing so.
    However, I do agree to some extent to what others said. Who is she supposed to be, some epic hero who “dies” and suddenly comes back with some new name? Some Shakespeare character? Way to make it all about herself, way to make the fandom all about herself.
    Anyone can easily dissect “lita” from “Amelita”. She wanted attention, and she got it. I think it's ridiculous what she did, and I hate to say it, frankly, “attention-whorish”, she just wanted attention. She made all these people worry for no reason...ugh, I hate to rant about people like this, but it makes me so sick what she did.
    I liked her before, but now....:/ Let's just stop mentioning her on mangago all together please. Keep her away from it.

    Honest Abe September 26, 2014 11:39 am

    I mean...I'm not even trying to be mean, but that's just what it seems like.

    AKI September 26, 2014 11:50 am
    Why even mention her at all, or allude to her? That's a way to start controversy, and while that wasn’t in your true intention, i'm sure, next time refrain from doing so. However, I do agree to some extent t... @Honest Abe

    I was very wary of her from the beginning because she plagiarized a ton of other peoples fiction and came out with this "you guys are my influences I just had to take from you I hope its ok!" BS. Then she did this, and yeah, I can't believe what she says anymore. Sad that there are frauds trying to get one over on us in this fandom.

    lisia September 26, 2014 2:03 pm

    shes very spammy, very annoying. dont get the hype. that is all.

    AnonymousOne September 26, 2014 4:55 pm

    Thanks for info! I really enjoyed the mentioned fic's writing style. The author wrote she had been inspired by other authors and that she had been using the plot and/or excerpts and that she had got the permission from mentioned authors. I did not read her other works, don't know what's the fuss about, just enjoyed this one fic and wanted to read it again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 12:30 am

    Excuse me, this post was for those fans who kept asking where her stories went. If you're going to hate, keep it to yourselves. Honestly when people complain about other people getting attention, it's usually out of jealously, yet most of you just stay anonymous so you must have either very low self-esteem or you know you're assholes and nobody would like you either way.
    As for her situation, it actually makes a lot of sense. Even if she wrote a warning, no one would have seen it by the time she deleted it.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 12:33 am
    Excuse me, this post was for those fans who kept asking where her stories went. If you're going to hate, keep it to yourselves. Honestly when people complain about other people getting attention, it's usually o... Miyanoai

    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all.

    Aya September 27, 2014 12:55 am
    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all. @Anonymous

    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 1:09 am
    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters. @Aya

    Yeah, I really hate to say it, but it's true. You can't enforce rules, but break them for someone you like. That's stupid and selfish. It's not right nor is it just. Again, even if Lita is your fave, for the sake of the VF community on mangago, don't mention her again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 1:49 am
    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all. @Anonymous

    Actually I only said it once, and that was to stop the bashing of certain authors works. Recommendations and praises were never the problem, though I see now that this site can turn anything into hate. Nevertheless I'm surprised someone actually payed attention to that, though whether you're being sarcastic or not is beyond me. Honestly, I didn't think it would bring up such an issue seeing as how there seemed to be so many fans of her here, so I apologize for that and I won't bring it up again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 1:54 am
    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters. @Aya

    On the contrary, I could be quite a bitch if writing things down didn't give me time to actually think about what the effects of my words would be. I'm not pretending to be sweet, I'm just realistic, and I can make mistakes too. Though I don't understand how I'm a hater in this situation.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 2:01 am
    On the contrary, I could be quite a bitch if writing things down didn't give me time to actually think about what the effects of my words would be. I'm not pretending to be sweet, I'm just realistic, and I can ... Miyanoai

    You're not a hater, just a hypocrite.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 2:07 am
    Yeah, I really hate to say it, but it's true. You can't enforce rules, but break them for someone you like. That's stupid and selfish. It's not right nor is it just. Again, even if Lita is your fave, for the sa... @Anonymous

    She's actually not my favorite. As I mentioned there seemed to be a lot of fans here, but that was clearly a misjudgment so I won't mention it again.

    That being said, it's ironic how my "rules" (which could have been nothing more than mature suggestions due to the fact that I don't actually have any admin authority here) are supposedly being taken seriously now.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 2:20 am
    You're not a hater, just a hypocrite. @Anonymous

    No, actually I'm a human. Humans make mistakes. I made the mistake of thinking people would actually understand my intentions when I mentioned the issue with fanfiction.

    Zena September 27, 2014 2:23 am

    Really, the one making the rules isn't Miyanoai, it's pretty much the trolls/haters ironically. Like we have to be really careful to not make them react too much, so sadly there's things we can't say anymore, even when it's positive. It's kind of pathetic actually...

    Well it's just that it gives haters and trolls the chance to bash on them when you bring them up. That's what happened pretty much everytime, this one included. But yeah, I believe you were just more optimistic about that not happening than some of the people here getting all worked up over it. I guess I wouldn't mention fanfictioners anymore if it gets that much bad attention, which again is pretty sad.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 2:37 am
    Really, the one making the rules isn't Miyanoai, it's pretty much the trolls/haters ironically. Like we have to be really careful to not make them react too much, so sadly there's things we can't say anymore, e... Zena

    It's been so dead recently, I honestly thought most of them had found somewhere else to go. I have noticed that whenever writers get brought up, there will always be a reason brought up to bash them and it seems that will never change.
    And you may have stumbled up an epiphany with that rule thing...O_o

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 2:52 am
    Really, the one making the rules isn't Miyanoai, it's pretty much the trolls/haters ironically. Like we have to be really careful to not make them react too much, so sadly there's things we can't say anymore, e... Zena

    The ones making the rules are the ones who care.

    THANKS September 27, 2014 2:54 am

    Thanks for the info . I don't read her, but it's good to know she is okay.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 3:04 am

    For the love of God, stop mentioning fanfictions and writers, please. I'm no troll, I just care about the fandom. Miyanoi, you're no idiot. You know what mentioning certain things mean, so why you did it, I have no clue. But obviously, it was an accident.

    Just please for future reference, don't do it again. We all know what sites to go to if we want to check on the writers, but it's been established millions of times that this place isn't the place. Again, I'm not trying to be a troll, just reasonable. I'm not trying to b emean, I'm not. I'm just trying to maintain some sanity on this archive, because obviously, Miyanoi, you've abandoned the idea.
    So please, no more alludes to fanfictions. Thank you.

    Zenalear September 27, 2014 3:12 am
    The ones making the rules are the ones who care. @Anonymous

    Aha, well rules were always made for stupid people. We can't actually stop them by making some rules, because nobody bans them, so it has to go the other way around so that the people who care have to actually have to filter everything they say, even when most of the time if not always they actually have good intentions. Because for instance here it seems authors can't be mentionned without some hate. I don't know why people that don't like it can't just ignore it and leave it alone, I guess they're bored and think it's fun to voice negative assumptions about people they don't even know. Then again most of them are anonymous, so there's zero consequences, we can't even identify them, so what stops them to waste time here and see how far it can go. Makes me wish there was some sort of moderation, I guess the "annoying" thing is better than nothing...

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 3:42 am
    For the love of God, stop mentioning fanfictions and writers, please. I'm no troll, I just care about the fandom. Miyanoi, you're no idiot. You know what mentioning certain things mean, so why you did it, I hav... @Anonymous

    Having to write two research papers, take a genetics test and make a presentation despite my fear of public speaking all within a week had me wanting to take a small break and read something unrelated when I noticed some good news and wanted to share it while my brain was already fried, along with my already existent memory problems, IT SLIPPED MY MIND! I have already admitted my mistake, so can you please get over it? I haven't abandoned any idea, it just hasn't been necessary to instigate.

    rawr September 27, 2014 4:17 am
    Why even mention her at all, or allude to her? That's a way to start controversy, and while that wasn’t in your true intention, i'm sure, next time refrain from doing so. However, I do agree to some extent t... @Honest Abe

    I agree with some of this cuz lots of awsome storeys gets overlooked cuz lita;s storeys are always on top of them

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 9:18 am
    Having to write two research papers, take a genetics test and make a presentation despite my fear of public speaking all within a week had me wanting to take a small break and read something unrelated when I no... Miyanoai

    for goodness sake, just shut the fuck up in future. you have proved in the past that you have a single agenda of trying to 'police' this fandom but your 'voice of reason' is as good as a sack of shit because you cant practice what you preach. don't got so uppity on all those people who call you out on your shit. if there are fic writers who died and rose from the dead, guess what, NO ONE CARES. the only one we care about is yamane ayano and thats what we come here to read.

    ZooZoo September 30, 2014 4:23 am

    Do yall know if she will put the stories Savant and stalker back on AO3?

    Hanne September 30, 2014 4:53 am
    Do yall know if she will put the stories Savant and stalker back on AO3? @ZooZoo

    Not sure, but she always replies to comments, so you could write a comment and ask her ... just leave an email address for her (she replies pretty quickly too)

    tokidoki September 30, 2014 10:33 pm
    She's actually not my favorite. As I mentioned there seemed to be a lot of fans here, but that was clearly a misjudgment so I won't mention it again. That being said, it's ironic how my "rules" (which could hav... Miyanoai

    Ah, that is because you are a voice of reason among a lot of immaturity ... and pointless mudslinging fiascoes ... *wink*

Miyanoai September 6, 2014 1:37 am

Thanks so much for the update. I think this could be a recent record. ^^

Wow, page 15, Kuroda looks so menacing, like he's about to turn on Akihito, instead he just ends up ignoring him, lol.

    Knight September 6, 2014 11:38 am

    Thank you for the update. I wonder if Kuroda blames Akihito? the look on Kuroda's face is scary like i'm gona kill you scary.

    Miyanoai September 6, 2014 8:55 pm
    Thank you for the update. I wonder if Kuroda blames Akihito? the look on Kuroda's face is scary like i'm gona kill you scary. @Knight

    I think it was more done for comedic purposes than anything else.

Miyanoai September 5, 2014 11:52 pm

Thanks so much for the update. I think a recent record was hit. ^^

Miyanoai September 5, 2014 10:56 pm

Thanks so much for the new chapter. ^_^ I think this may have been a recent record. xD

Miyanoai August 16, 2014 11:55 pm

If they're taking the manga down, I would kindly ask someone to recommend me another site for me to read it on (that's not a livejournal page because I'm not active enough on that site to feel I deserve to be accepted into one of the communities), because I'll admit I would come on here because I didn't have any other choices (at least not ones that were faster). If you don't want to post it here in fear of trolls finding it you can message me on tumblr at miyanoai.tumblr.com.

    Anonymous August 17, 2014 12:17 am


    to post comments you need to create a profile or connect to facebook

    Anonymous August 17, 2014 12:39 am

    lol you're not active on there enough to deserve to be accepted but you seem to be more than active on this site why is that i wonder? u practically live on this site, is it because it's easier to troll around on here and then act all high and mighty accusing others of trolling when their opinion is different to yours?

    Hey trolls.....I have a messag August 17, 2014 12:53 am

    @ Miyanoai
    It's a shame that people like you have to lose out to idiots like trolls. You are one of those people who spoke out and ignored the trolls. For that I applaud you but I have been browsing this site for a good few months and the cyber bullying has escalated to disgusting and vile lengths. Feel free to think I'm just wasting my time etc but I don't mind wasting my time as long as I am able to speak out.
    In previous posts as I mentioned. I only came on this site to get earlier updates, which I don't mind sacrificing as the Manga is available on other sites too. So it's not the end of VF.
    This fandom has attracted trolls everywhere. People are commenting with just the words bitch and fuck you. Random posts asking people to hang themselves. People who hate the manga are trolling, some are just going with the flow, joining in with the abusive commenters. It is officially a troll parade. It is no longer about VF.
    I have asked Mangago to work around a way to deal with trolls. And if that doesn't work...I will take it further. I say NO to cyber bullying and I WILL prevail.

    Miyanoai August 17, 2014 12:57 am

    @Anon: In case you haven't noticed I haven't been on this site in several days. I don't accuse people of trolling when they have a different opinion, but when they start arguing or bullying others. Please get your facts straight before making illogical comments. This site only consists of reading manga and making quick comments, whereas livejournal consists of blogging and basically a lot of writing and is a bit harder to maneuver to me. I also frequent tumblr, facebook, and occasionally twitter so another large social media is a bit much. I said this before, but I don't try and act high and mighty, all I wanted was for for the trolling to stop for THIS EXACT REASON! What it with you idiots trying to blame the people who are actually brave enough to stand up to them...?

    reponce August 17, 2014 1:19 am

    wow i have posted a reply i put many websites where we can read vf but my message was deleted, in green they said wait to approuve and then deleted, shame i hate big brother system where u are under some of restriction!

    Anonymous August 17, 2014 1:21 am

    You could go to mangahere.

    reponce August 17, 2014 1:26 am

    kissmanga. com
    manga. hay. la (erase the space) in those website u can have the whole chapiter in the same page mangatown com

    tokidoki August 17, 2014 1:26 am

    Hey @Miyanoai, if you are looking for an alternate site to read this manga, Spectrum Nexus is also a good alternative. *winks* But some of us would miss you here ...

    Hey trolls August 17, 2014 1:27 am

    @ reponce
    Told you so. This is them finally cracking down!!

    Miyanoai August 17, 2014 1:35 am

    @Hey Trolls: No I completely understand, and you have every right to, which is why I asked for another site. I just wish they could do something about the trolls themselves rather than making the page have to disappear.
    @Other Anons: Thanks. I almost forgot mangahere actually has yaoi...XP

    Asami August 17, 2014 2:06 am

    I messaged to see if mangago could just make people login to comment rather than take down the manga, but it's might still gonna get taken down :/
    (maybe if enough people pm manga go this might stop the manga from being taken down)

    Ill miss everyone who leaving mangago, and to those who staying I hope we can meet once more on other manga's.

    Miyanoai August 17, 2014 2:20 am
    Hey @Miyanoai, if you are looking for an alternate site to read this manga, Spectrum Nexus is also a good alternative. *winks* But some of us would miss you here ... tokidoki

    Well I won't leave if the manga's not taken down. This is still gonna be my number 1 site for finding yaoi series. I just wanted to know what people would recommend to use for this series. (I did post my tumblr if you ever wanted to chat outside the site ^^)

    shouichi August 17, 2014 6:31 am

    @miyanoai Mangago will be taken this manga down because of trolls?? Or because of Libre? If it is because of trolls, NO WAY!! I remember when many, many ppl asked mangago to take Vf from its site because of harudaki scanlation "anger", Mangago DGAF with it . So I think mangago will do the same with this case :P

    Miyanoai August 17, 2014 7:32 pm

    @shoichi: did you read the earlier comments? Some people are pretty serious about it this time. Once again, I am not certain it will happen, I was just asking just in case.

Miyanoai August 5, 2014 3:10 am

I just wish the background in this new format wasn't so dark...(sorry, there's probably been enough talk about this, but managago FINALLY approved my account...-_-')

    tokidoki August 5, 2014 5:14 am

    Yay! Welcome to the dark side ... but I am not your father... oops wrong fandom LOL

    Lisa August 5, 2014 5:56 pm

    @ tokidoki: Learn to keep fandoms apart you must. ;) Sorry, couldn't resist that one. :D

    @ Miyanoai: I agree, it is always harder for the eye to read white letters on a dark background. On the other hand I like the fact that there are actuall threads now. Makes it a bit easier to follow discussions, me thinks. ;)

    Katty August 5, 2014 7:55 pm

    I'm not reading on that cruddy new version. I like the old and I'm sticking to it. (If they take the old away, they are going to find some C&D letters in their inbox.. hehehe. I really don't like the new layout.)

    Miyanoai August 5, 2014 11:31 pm

    @Lisa: That, and I'm so used to having it on the right side rather than the middle of the screen. I'm finding myself going to the old version to read then going to the new version to respond, because I really do love being recognizable.

    @Tokidoki: Speaking of separate fandoms, is that a dalek in your avatar? :D

    tokidoki August 5, 2014 11:56 pm

    @Miyanoai, yeah, that's a Dalek, good eye. LOLz I wanted something a little unique ...

    Lisa August 6, 2014 4:10 pm

    @ tokidoki: "Exxxxxxterrrrrrrrminate!" Again, couldn't resist. :D I love Daleks...
    @ Miyanoai: Yes, it's almost like the site is doing a bit of a flexibilty test on us. ;) Still prefer the new one as it is easier to follow up on the conversation and on replies. :)

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