Irrational Hater created a topic of For you 99%
Irrational Hater created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

Bruh idc ab the omega verse + baby arc side stories I wanted side stories on the younger bro he’s so cute w that pink hair and he deserves happiness and love outside of his brother complex

They were teasing us in the beginning of this ch I thought FINALLY after 98 chapters they’ll kiss, but they didn’t, but then they did at the end like the roller coaster

Irrational Hater created a topic of High Clear

I find it so crazy how seme was the one who ended up apologizing and uke didn’t even come clean after all that communication

Irrational Hater created a topic of Daisy Jealousy

My god uke is a lousy toxic pos. Kaname deserves better than him and he waited a total of 5 yrs for him?!? That’s crazy, but not as crazy as uke telling seme to quit his career bc he himself is shit at making games.

Ppl saying this was emotional enough to bring them tears, but I was screaming wtf and why the whole time. I get the realism is what ppl love ab this but even in real life nobody likes a toxic festering bitch w low self esteem

Irrational Hater created a topic of Ghost Window

I agree bc WHY was he so naive to believe in a lying bitch twice man the guy in the car better come out alright

Irrational Hater created a topic of Remarried Empress

Bruh I really that rashta was trying to shield her eldest baby from that eagle bc she loves him deep down but she was just trying to prevent the hat from falling to expose the resemblance

Hope this misunderstanding arc doesn’t last forever and is resolved soon without any time skips

Irrational Hater created a topic of Taming the Tiger

Wtf this ended a yr ago?!? I remember reading the last chapter like it was yesterday after following this bl for months my god time is flying

Irrational Hater created a topic of Ghost Window

Idk I’m sensing fore coming doom it’s been too happy recently

Irrational Hater created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I forgot, why was he so angry again?

Irrational Hater created a topic of Family Mate

Wtf just started this on ch 5 and the pacing and storyline is wack and all over the place. And all the ukes problems is bc he’s a wimped dick bitch who can’t be straight with his answer. All he had to say in the beginning when seme asked to date was “ok” or “hell no” but he went on a tangent ab sex friends bs that he regrets. And be fr when he said “I want to talk ab ending this relationship over a drink” is basically code for let’s get wasted and fuck and regret in the morning like it’s so predictable and dumb saw a clip on tiktok and thought this bl seems cute but I couldn’t even get past ch 5

Irrational Hater created a topic of High Clear

Bruh can’t believe we’re back to no communication after everything like what does seme mean he noticed his down mood but didn’t say anything?!? And why is uke acting natural after that dubious intercourse?!?

Irrational Hater created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I refuse to believe he got taken out that early, in a lame way, and without even showing his full potential so even without spoilers Ik he ain’t dying

Irrational Hater created a topic of Tower of God

Ah hell nah this still going on?!? I remember reading this waiting for the updates religiously in 2017-2018 in HS and foolishly told myself I’ll wait for it to finish and binge it all… now it’s been 6 yrs I can’t bring myself to reread this and to 600 chapters at that. Can someone tell me if Rachel that blonde girl got what she deserved one thing I remember is how much I hated her

Irrational Hater created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Idc what the reason is- if you killed my entire family and forced urself on me- I will NEVER fall in love you. What uke is experiencing is Stockholm syndrome. And after that arrow to the thigh I realized what the perfect revenge could be- make top fall hopelessly in love with u and then kys lol so he’ll be devastated enough to kill himself too. But this is bl so they’ll both end up together unfortunately