Irrational Hater created a topic of Stranger

Aww hell nah why can’t he just sit his ass down and be happy and spoiled bruh

Irrational Hater created a topic of Love in Orbit

It’s very telling how the father attempted to murder sihwa but acted like he was still in the right and not bat an eye… istg if Sihan still kisses his dads ass after this imma drop. I thought this chapter would be the turning point where Sihan opened his eyes and beat ts outta his dad. This chapter was anticlimactic asf and had no plot advancements. Hopefully next chapter Sihan punts his dad instead of going to work like he said- if not, imma drop this dragging bs

Irrational Hater created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

Why is the child the more responsible one for moving away to protect eachother but the way way older teen wanted to marry the child and embrace him????

Irrational Hater created a topic of Debt of Love

Ain’t no way he ate a mf apple during sexy time… like the disrespect

First couple was cute, second couple gave me the ick especially the seme. Uke needs to stand up and not settle for a fuck and dump whoreboy

Irrational Hater created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

That’s code for he’s going to end up shit faced

Anyone knows how many more chapters until this is complete? It doesn’t seem anywhere close but I like to gauge the estimate YEARS

Irrational Hater created a topic of Restart My Heart

I’m on ch 24, when seme caught uke in a compromising position in the motel with a half naked stranger.

The uke is so frustrating I had to find spoilers to calm myself and the plot doesn’t advance further than this- uke loves seme and doesn’t want him to die so he avoids but can’t maintain it and gives in, repeat- like if uke really didn’t want seme to die break it off fast and clean. Break up, make an excuse, become a shit person. But noooo he had to tiptoe around it and didn’t even try being a bad person- he thought being gross to get seme to break up w him was too much, he made excuses when he was caught in the motel saying it was a misunderstanding like no use the misunderstanding and break it off. Ig this bl would’ve ended too fast if uke had determination. Idky he’s torturing the person he claims to love like what was his plan in the long term? Make semes hearts go down, come back to him like both happened, hearts rise again, he leaves, and repeat???? Some y’all sayin seme a red flag but uke is the redder flag

I dropped this WAY back at like ch 25-30 and i just skipped to the most recent chapter and I can’t believe barely anything has changed

Irrational Hater created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Thought it was one sided love on semes part but it turns out uke fell too but is just scared to commit

My heart broke seeing charin a prositute, like he hated the idea as a child and now look at him… if I knew there was gonna be prostitution here I wouldn’t have read this shit. Forced prostitution is the biggest tragedy in any story

This is the first dom/sub universe bl I’ve ever read outside omegaverse and guide verse and it’s… interesting… I don’t think it’s for me

Irrational Hater created a topic of Yoake no Uta

This is such a depressing read and it’s worse when the “villains” are winning

I was gonna bash celphis mom for being a pos that left but since reading the cmts I’ll hold back until Ik more. But regardless of her reason for leaving, Sasha is celphis mom now, and I hated how Sasha doubted if she should still take that place as if celphi hasn’t been set on if for a while. Imagine how hurt celphi would be if he knew his mom, the one that stepped up, isn’t committed 100%. Idc what the bio moms intentions are when the time comes Sasha better fight for celphi

I don’t understand ukes thought process?? Making cute date memories, kissing his cheek, taking selfies and calling it a couple photo but plans to tell him he don’t love him in the same day??? He’s in serious denial and he better regret it

Irrational Hater created a topic of Love in Orbit

I hope nitwit, oops I mean Sohan can get his head out his ass now seeing his father attempt to murder his fuck buddy, since that’s all Siwhan was to him apparently. And istg if even THIS doesn’t clear his head I HOPE the father goes and fucks up his moms life so he can finally end his relationship with his “father”

Irrational Hater created a topic of Monday'saviour

I’d pack my bags and leave after that nonsense about not ever dating me but not letting me leave either tf uke is too naive to see these red flags you’ll nvr catch me being somebody’s bitch

Irrational Hater created a topic of Thirst

Not loving this second season

Idk I’m unsatisfied but don’t know why I feel like the seme hasn’t suffered enough even though it was a one sided misunderstanding on ukes part. Still wish to see him grovel like uke did