Irrational Hater created a topic of The Fairy Legacy

On ch 5 had to drop. I won’t ever disrespect myself enough to read about a fl who is being played. Why is she over here blushing and in a daze with some sweet flowery words from imposter ligament after all that bs she said about him?? She folded, BENDED to some sweet nothings like girl stand up and don’t be a fool

I was about to bitch about how uke is a senseless idiot following strangers to strange places (the phony priest) but he beat me to it. Love a self aware uke. But then again, I HATE holier than thou bitches who try to save the lives of those who abuse them. Being the bigger person = a sucker

9 years this been in the making… and the plot doesn’t seem to be wrapping up anytime soon

I was waiting for the main couple to make a safe word for their play but it nvr happened it should be important with his past…

Lmao her having a “dark side” is a lil exaggerated it’s more like a hidden side bc there’s nothing dark about her or him

Irrational Hater created a topic of Unreachable Girl

On ch 30. This is so ass. It’d be better if she was actually a cold hearted bitch but she’s too nice to those bitches how bully her. If she was actually cool, she wouldn’t have tried to protect that bitch who tried to “expose” her. Have her kneel AND fire her parents. Ig it is still a slice of life manhwa with all the cute themes lol. At first I hated how she let everyone run over her and not stand up for herself when she could, but then I found out the WHY and there’s power in that, but she disappointed me when she still cared.

Irrational Hater created a topic of Again

I’m at ch 20 and can’t stand the constant second hand embarrassment of this open book uke who can’t seem to close his yapper embarrassing himself by practically throwing himself at the seme with these “let’s meet for coffee, a meal, or a drink” yet claim he wants nothing to do with him. And omg he’s so fucking dumb accepting a drink from an unknown man in a place he knows is basically a sex party that’s like asking to be drugged and assaulted. Despite all the shit I have to say it’s not too bad a read so I’ll continue but I just hope he stops yapping

I was warned the uke is the epitome of wimpy but since so many ppl love this it HAS to be good right??? I was gonna tap out at ch 7 bc I cannot stand uke crying in every chapter for the ENTIRE chapter like there was tears in his eyes on every panel it’s ridiculous! But I read another cmt saying uke has every reason to cry and I admit he does so I’ll calm down and continue past the bs and into the wholesome everyone seems to be talking about

Irrational Hater created a topic of Shining Summer

Have they slept together yet? I forgot if they did the dirty or not

Irrational Hater created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Whew waiting for the slow burn was worth it

This is the worst case of no communication I have ever seen

It’s so predictable what’ll happen his “I promise” will be broken, Matthew will be heartbroken, Jin will wound up abducted by those pos like I can bet money this is what happens

Irrational Hater created a topic of Placebo Memories

Wtf there’s only 18 chapters but I feel like this has but going on for an eternity crazy how misunderstandings and no communication absolutely drags out a plot

Irrational Hater created a topic of Love in Orbit

That’s it. This shit is going in the back burner until I read some spoilers that the uke is groveling. I wish they didn’t fuck and talked instead and I was really hoping the uke was gonna punt his father instead he’s apologizing on his behalf like a bitch. So mad I couldn’t even enjoy the semes beautiful uncut dick!?!

The constant second hand embarrassment in this chapter killed me

I had to hype myself up for months to read this bc I heard there was a harem (YUCK) but he doesn’t fuck any of them so that’s good. I binged it all and am a little sad the recent updates seem inconsistent. But I LOVE this it is so rare to see a truly heartless bad bitch as a fl bc so many times I’ve been disappointed by fls who put revenge on the back burner bc their mind is sidetracked by love and side quests and worst of all they’re weak willed and still soft after everything done to them. They also do stupid shit like “I’ll let you live bc I’m a better person than you” seriously grinds my gears

Irrational Hater created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

This sexual tension is making me giggle and kick my feet ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Irrational Hater created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

I’m happy there was communication but talking ab his first time while INSIDE his bf was SO distasteful like could it not be said before or after?!? I would be hurt asf even if it was just clarification that the sex was vague and unexciting… also I just noticed this manga is 10 years in the making (⊙…⊙ ) like damn it’s a good read but wrap it up