I feel like orange hair just causally likes the black hair bc it seems like he only has one foot in the relationship and the other is still hung up on doochi or in the process of overcoming that love. Just sucks to see black hair so affectionate and orange hair so aloof

Irrational Hater created a topic of Isn't it good?

Uke is getting on my last mf nerve getting mad at seme for having a causal relationship with ONE other person while he switched girlfriends like clothes, which he didn’t treat them all that well either. He’s had multiple relationships where he was an ass boyfriend yet gets mad at seme for having one relationship where he treats the other decently. Seme deserves someone who’ll love him proudly and wholeheartedly not the trash uke with a victim mentality.

He said sum like “I’m not sure ab this relationship” yet was the one who suggested they kiss bc he was jealous when he has no right to be. Also uke had the audacity to say that shit with the intention to HURT seme and added salt when he met with his ex gf out of spite.

And I see the cmts justifying ukes horrible behavior and saying the seme is the one in the wrong like huh?!? Did we read the same shit?!? It was implied that uke knew seme and the blue haired guy had a small thing from the beginning so the seme didn’t hide the fact they were together. And I see a cmt saying seme was selfish for telling uke of their relationship at all, but if uke happen to find out on his own later on, then y’all would call seme trash.

Seme was nothing but perfection, hid his crush bc he wanted uke to find his own happiness, repeatedly asked for consent, constantly makes uke favorite food, nvr gets mad at all of ukes hot and cold attitude. Like I get being kind doesn’t entitle seme to ukes love, but seme was content in being friends forever, it was the uke who pushed their relationship further and was wishy washy ab it till the end.

The uke has got to be the dumbest yakuza in all of history getting fucked in the home of the enemy who is freely moving about with the door wide open. Is he really trying to conceal his relationship with seme bc he’s failing so bad it’s hilarious: telling seme how to meet him using the name at the hotel allowing the uncle to find out ab seme’s existence, letting seme take the pic of them together, and making promises and not keeping them therefore seme coming to the headquarters. I get he is weak to the seme but if he loves him be a little mean or better yet tell the full truth and hide seme away until his business is handled. I am still flabbergasted uke didn’t immediately push seme away in his drugged horny state bc he is strong enough to leave the premise asap in case backup came or blondie was secretly recording like that’s so ducking idiotic. Also the uke is seriously naive and gullible but ig that’s what’s cute about him.

I lowkey want only a Lus storyline but she has so many side quests I barely see Lus

I was irritated with the ml not listening to the fl when she says Estelle is kind and that she wants the murders to stop but he acting deaf and goes against all her wishes so I skipped straight to ch 30 from ch15 hoping the misunderstanding clears but boy was I wrong. He got worse and orchestrated the whole thing?!? This story would be smooth sailing if he actually listened to his loves wants and not his wants

Irrational Hater created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

Woah I let this marinate for 6 months bc I was so upset glasses guy was gonna miss his entrance exam and ruin his life but ended up forgetting ab it for so long I didn’t realize it ended already. It ended too fast I need more side stories and love when the main stories are shounen ai and the side sides are explicit bc the buildup makes it worth it

Irrational Hater created a topic of Window to Window

I’ve been on a rereading binge and omg the first time I read this and he got caught masturbating I fucking cried from second hand embarrassment I’m not even exaggerating I legit shed tears and didn’t pick ts back up for weeks. I usually just cringe but ig on that day i was extra emotional. Now on my reread imma skip the first chapter

Irrational Hater created a topic of Private Scandal

This was a mid read all around. The uke was a self sabotaging disaster the entire story bc of his trauma and only got character development legit within the last 5 chapters. None of the characters interested me except Helena she’s a bad bitch. I also despise the manwhore seme x innocent uke trope especially more so when the uke is at the beck and call of the dick for brains seme. Ik it didn’t show kyle as a whore but it was hinted at, and don’t even with his brother gayle

Irrational Hater created a topic of Waterside Night

Rape is totally on the table bc if the author was comfortable putting rape once they’ll do it again. I didn’t read this but kept up through tiktok vids and when I finally thought the SA was finished I decided to read it straight from around ch 80 when it got fluffy. Istg the author better not be deranged enough to include a SA scene especially since they been hinting he’s pregnant…

Irrational Hater created a topic of Love me More

This is so fucking ass all the characters are unlikeable as shit. Dick for brains seme, kissing and getting hard for others hypocritical uke, and busy body neighbor. I love how uke said “I wish we can be more honest with each other” then proceeds to not express himself and keep the fact he got kissed and a hardon from the neighbor a secret. Seme basically assaults uke and thinks a simple sorry is gonna fix it?!? He seemed more upset his food was salty that the fact uke was mad at him. Ugh wasted my time glad I dropped early in

Dropped at ch 1. I thought she regressed each time smarter and more firm in wanting to take revenge on her “family” but the first ch showed me she was naive till her last life.

How in the hell does it take 7 lives of abuse and death for someone to get it in their thick skull that they are not wanted??? I get wanting to hold out hope they can change the first couple of lives, but not 7 whole cycles.

It’s crazy how she had to die 7 times to come to the conclusion that her family will nvr love her. Feelings like that don’t change in a split sec and I can bet in her final life, she has some moments where she STILL hopes the father or brother changes and gets disappointed like a dummy

Ugh this is so sweet uke is too cute with the hammer and taser. Bl with green flags like this should be way more popular than those other ones that make all of bl readers look like rape enthusiasts

Irrational Hater created a topic of summer season

Their first time was so disappointing like where’s the love? The affection? The aftercare? He waited all those yrs to have uke love him back yet can’t wait a few more minutes on foreplay so it doesn’t hurt???? smh might as well not include a sex scene and keep it shounen ai

Damn I remember reading this and liking it so I decided to reread it but omg my standards for semes have shot up since this… seme is a pos fuckboy “sex is just a duty” girl no tf it ain’t…

I’m dropping at ch 6 bc I can’t stand her insufferable attitude. When that rift appeared at the station and a mother lost her child, this bitch was sitting down, yawning and complaining about being trapped in safety while others don’t have that luxury and still had the audacity to say “I miss my bed… I mean my mom” when it was all over like this girl does not gaf if anyone lives or dies she’s basically a lazy villain. She doesn’t have to help for whatever reason but her lack of empathy made me want to punt her

Irrational Hater created a topic of Play Karma

Love me some man’s ass pounding women

Irrational Hater created a topic of To deny the route

Wow jerry is doing everything in his power to NOT listen to the sound advice from that fortune teller like it pissed me offf so bad when he lowered his sensation index to avoid pain and feeling uncomfortable and ignored the countless signs that his body was deteriorating

Irrational Hater created a topic of Home

This is so creepy I got chills

Irrational Hater created a topic of Blue Sky Complex

I fucking called it in an earlier cmt that the female rapist assaulted the seme as a high school boy (or was it middle school???) bc she was confused ab her sexuality… it’s no excuse bitch glad she’s gone (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Irrational Hater created a topic of Shota Oni