This is truly a spectacular fight. I wanna see the result of Hakuryuu and Mor's training as well as Arba's full power especially now that she broke Sheba's divine staff.
i know i was so disappointed! but the development they've had and that hug is enough for me....for now at least lol i'm hoping for a wanrence kiss in the sequel, hopefully it's about the same characters tbh and not another set of new characters.
i know i was so disappointed! but the development they've had and that hug is enough for me....for now at least lol i'm hoping for a wanrence kiss in the sequel, hopefully it's about the same characters tbh and... krullie
I hope Tosaki-san will be fine
I wondered from the start if he was an ajin who was hiding right under the ajin-hunters' noses. Let's see if that wound healed.