Can someone spoil pls about Sershaw's role? Will he have an affair with the empress?

Spoiler ahead!
Wahahah them having an affair would have been too funny.
But the truth is much better: he is on "our" side. He's draining all her money and land on Perez's orders. So in the end the Brauns (Perez female attendant) have the most land in the west again and can be the wests representatives in court again instead of Angena's. That's what I read in other novel spoilers.

Appreciate the spoilers given by the others. I understand that the next event will progress the relationship of the two leads. There's also some spoilers about Larraine and the prince. One thing I'm really curious though what will happen to the prince after that.. Will he get some character development? Will something happen to him?
I'm not following the story anymore... It's so messed up.