PorrrnesianParrrapio's experience ( All 0 )

PorrrnesianParrrapio's answer ( All 3 )

Hell no. If they were to know, it'd be the end of me   reply
15 09,2020
I'm kind of in between tbh (but obviously the fetishism of gay sex is not okay at all). You see, what is shown in yaoi is also shown in straight manga (like hentai). For example, both genres may show disturbing things like rape, minor x adult relationships, etc.. So, I don't think there's much of a difference. However, "yaoi" is more of smut/sex ......   1 reply
10 06,2020
I am Christian, or I at least believe in God :3   reply
09 06,2020

PorrrnesianParrrapio's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

It was because I thought life was harsh on me, I was very young and how the society works was already eating me up.

1 hours
did tried to kill yourself

but now i live a happy and fufilled life :), friends, mindfullness, spending time with nature, going to the gym, eating well, all helped me!

3 hours
did tried to kill yourself

i have sm attempts but one attempt is still fresh to my mind, when i was a kid i wanted to off myself and i tried to strangle myself..

5 hours