Chapter 27, my opinion: I think what Brett does next is incredibly logical. At first he's in a state of shock and freezes but then breaks through it and makes sure Hayden is secure. He looks around to see Hayden is in Martin's care, Scott has already called the ambulance, and Jung restrains Alex. Every base was covered so he goes to collect the evidence from the dead body. He's completely calm and not panicking unlike everyone else which I think is the best thing to do when someone has just died. Although I am a bit sad he doesn't show any care for Hayden, he probably knew he couldn't do anything more for Hayden except comfort him, but it's Brett (he's always 5 steps ahead.) Whatever he's going to do with Alexander will probably be for Hayden's benefit.
unfortunately for y’all, eolka will die on the 35th floor :( she was too incompatible against the water god/dragon but in the end she gets resurrected but her memory is distorted and her abilities are back to the beginning
damn that's sad, but at least she isn't gone for good