We found it hilarious at first but now it's just annoying. Let's be honest things like this will not only fuck up his grade but his relationship with his teachers and his crime? Telling a teacher that someone wasn't participating in their group work.
I feel so bad for him, like let the poor baby study.
prince (the current and actually maturing one) and jack (immature but hilarious antics) are the only tolerable ones in the main 4 leads.
and other than that everyone in the main cast is amazing, yuri, melissa, nine and young money nicki maidnaj. this is the most enjoyable and well written batch of character ive seen in awhile for isekai based stories.
gay icon, homosexual legend, the one and only and we stan but also get that poor baby here on this time because if even in 2000's we're getting hard shit and still getting executed for being gay and still barely has our rights and protection..
imagine how it is there, someone get the poor baby here y'all.