This is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less, huh? (That’s a Taylor Swift song, yes) Anyway, Jay, Jay, Jay. I can hear your heart breaking just by seeing Yoon’s nose bleed, and that’s on what, you asshole? That’s you being in love, you fucker. You toxic tiger. Playing with Yoon like he’s a toy. Guess what? Karma is a bitch. I can see you crying in the end, tbh. Regretting that the first time you told Yoon you love him was a lie. I CAN SEE IT. Ugh, I hate you. I can’t wait for your character development, but I still hate you for playing with Yoon’s feelings.

Kai and Uka really aren’t one of those couples that we know, huh? They’re so strong. Like, seriously. Their relationship is so healthy. They trust each other. They listen to each other. You can see that they really want to keep each other forever. Third-parties can try, but they won’t budge. These two will only have eyes on each other.