jays_so_fineeee created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I like the grey haired dude he looks a bit off lol and i wanna see more i hope it doesn't go worse than this for our mc tho

jays_so_fineeee answered question about my favorite food
jays_so_fineeee answered question about shipping
You're so right like it ain't that serious like unless it's fucking weird as in a minor or incest etc. Then truly i dont mind cuz it's a fandom enjoy it the way you want as long as it's not creepy and fucking weird then why tf should ppl feel so pressed
jays_so_fineeee answered question about disturbing thing you saw
Nah just the tags are fucking diabolical this shit is fucking FILTHY AND DISGUSTING like mfs who write this type of shit should actually genuinely b put on a list n watched 24/7 cuz WTF DOES BABY USED AS VIBRATOR EVEN FUCKING MEAN I DINT WANNA FUCKING KNOW CUZ HOW TF DO U EVEN COME UO W THAT SHIT
jays_so_fineeee answered question about help please
Honestly it depends on what you prefer cuz for instance if ut were me I'd get the motocycle since my father would rather DIE theb let me drive his car but if u know your parents are alright then do the license since it's more convenient congrats on either of them lol
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Right i usually force myself to read the famous ones even when i don't like them so the reason for me not reading these is either they're boring or too annoying for me or i never really got into them
jays_so_fineeee answered question about helping each other
Oh i know this one this shit NASTY and annoying and i just scrolled through it it's THAT SHITTY and this chap is the cherry on top w the fucking pedo mf it's like just when u think it wont get any worse it does so dont even bother
jays_so_fineeee answered question about having friends
Yes i still read it same amount as i did 6~7 years b4 lol, i always read selectively the only reason i read like this is cuz i get attached and i literally dont stop reading (like srsly and literally my addiction to things is really bad) and i cant have that due to my schedule and stuff but yeah i still love reading them lol
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Any bottom from the most popular bls iykyk but for the sake of the question imma get these two like mfs get into that damn ring stop whining and FIGHT BACK FFS
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Literally omg sameee like i see ppl pretty much the same, and it's so fucking sad like ppl feel affection or have crushes but no form of affection never even crosses my mind when i look at anyone, even w celebrities or whatnot like i will comment and pretend that i love them n write things like "omg i love him sm" etv but i never feel that, all wha......
jays_so_fineeee answered question about i need help
Maybe on yoyr earlobe for a start they wont say no tothat seems average enough for a start but if you're scared to tell them directly do it discreetly by mentioning it casually and nit on you something like "oh i saw my friend/xyz do this ear piercing looks cute right" or something like that n only show something simple if u show them something big......
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Oh what splendide information to know at 2am, so you're a furry basically????
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Idk what to tell you man pretty sure you wrote this while smoking grass w yo bfbut yeah link us the vid and we can tell you if it'll sell more or wrap it up
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
...... Yeahhh Nah idk abt that
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question
Meh, it's alright, aside from the songs which were good but not all of them, i hate musicals so i didn't like seeing them popping off mid episode, it was good for one sitting watch, but the songs ultimately carried the show, def overhyped, rushed and the whole snake guy sacrifice was stupid and just odd, but it's def a good one time only watch lol ......
jays_so_fineeee answered question about get to know you
Artstyle mainly like lilith(gl) bj alex(bl) and too many sex scenes(full volume)
jays_so_fineeee answered question about get to know you
I got a lot lol (not sure if all are controversial) but I'll write what i remember: - the artstyle for both jinx and bj alex (same author) is horrendous i just dont like and couple it w the shit storyline makes it sm worse (not shading on the artist tho it's just my opinion) - love is an illusion is GARBAGE like i hate that story with a passion ev......
jays_so_fineeee answered question about question