Man yhis shit hurts i really want to go in there and b like "YOON BABE THISF IS AN ASSHOLE ALRIGHT A SELFISH IDIIT BASTARD but he loves you dude i know he did some unforgivable shit but please it's just cuz he's so stupid pls b happy i can never now look at your hot sex scenes without thinking that something bad will happen after it or that you'll argue again
Bruh this is abuse like forget love and sexy scenes and all this is fucking abuse might as well get get him a sex toy if that's all he wants
We get that, but this is just manhwa. Not real life. If anyone does net feel comfortable reading it, just need to fuck off. It says in every page there were uncomfortable scenes and if you don't like it, just skip. It's the author's way of expressing his/her thoughts and ideas and they should not be ashamed or apologetic if some people aren't satisfied. Just don't read it. Geeze.
You need to understand that it's natural for people to feel uncomfortable reading a story that contains so much abuse. That doesn't mean that they don't like the story. No one criticized the author, no one complained. Everyone has the right to express their opinions without people jumping on them to tell them to stop reading and fuck off. If you don't like what they're discussing don't join their topics.
It's going too quick for my own liking esp w the sex scenes and backstory but it look good artstyle wise so lets hope it doesn't take a turn to the worse like some other ones do
This had SO MUCH potential. But they made him into a crazy ass mofo.
Like there's no remorse.
And the only thing he seems to care about is a physical punishment.
He doesn't care if JiChan suffers physiological or psychological damage. Or maybe that's what he's hoping for.