Bro, people hating on sejin don't understand character depth at all... it would be more shallow and wouldn't make sense at all if he immediately felt nothing after the family he built his entire identity around was collapsing before his very eyes. Making him agree w the seme's decision right away isn't making a strong character, it's rushing the story and his character development. If anything, it's the semes fault for doing this so abruptly without even considering how the uke would feel, he just did it to feel better about himself and what he did to the uke in their past lives. He rly should've eased him into this and helped him build an identity independent from his toxic family who basically groomed him since he was a kid (which they WERE doing so I rlllly don't see why the seme had to do this so quickly). I'm so tired of this "typical weak uke" talk when nobody's giving any TIME for a character to DEVELOP. It's like we can't even have these kinds of storylines where a weak character slowly learns how to love themselves and grows stronger because people just shit on "weak characters" from the beginning
Sakou... Literally wtf man☹