This started out so well. Loved the story and loved the growth of shiori and watching her struggle and change. I kinda saw it coming with how ambiguous the atmosphere was with the brother that somethings gonna happen there.
But. . The story went downhill somewhere along the line. Very downhill. I didn't expect the author who was able to write something with so much complexity to end up choose this ending at all. So exactly. . What was accomplished in the end? The brother ended up admitting he liked her after all that? I'm not just saying this because I wanted things with her and kai to work out (ok maybe I am) but the ending was just so disappointing. Her obsession with her brother and completely forgetting kai after she got her memories back does not make any sense to me. She, at some point, finally saw him as nothing more than a brother and her relationship with kai seemed fine. Does not make any sense she did a 180 because she remembered that she "alWays loVed hIM". Then the brother finally admitting his feelings, the little sister being chill about it all?? All of it felt. . So unnatural. Wasted potential on this story :(

This is by far my favorite manhwa. .The art is just SO STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL AHHHH
(and literally all the characters are eye candy)
And besides the incredible art is the plot and story which are so unique and interesting!! I'm in love with Roxanna's beauty and character ughh I can't wait for season two!! I wanna see the hot dad die lmao and wanna know what happens to Dion and Jeremy (Jeremy committed the least evil between them? Man I hope he gets an okay ending-) and those hot moms too ahhsksksksk season two whennn

Both brothers are in the wrong.
It was both dumb and just downright gross of seowoo to ask his brother to take his place and pretend to be him to get close to ohn. How did he think that's okay? No clue. As another comment pointed out tho, he didn't ask his brother to woo him. He just asked him to get closer and talk to him, to take the first steps for him. Which is still wrong-
As for jaewoo. . . Bro? Wtf? Bro?? Are ppl in the comment section the only child in the family? Man, it's shitty enough if a friend does this to you, but ur own brother??? Can u imagine? That's gotta hurt way, way more. I wouldn't call it wrong if he ended up developing feelings for ohn but the fact he went out of his way to lie, hide, and push his brother away when seowoo was ready to stop. . .? How could he? I wouldn't be bothered by him at all if he was just straight with his brother and told him the truth. "I like him. I'm going after him. Sorry. And deal with it."
And lastly, to the ppl calling seowoo out for being "too much of a pussy". . literally w.t.f is wrong with you? It's an illness. A mental disorder. It's not someone chickening out from a bet, or being too scared to watch a movie. That's a pussy. Someone who takes meds for his illness tho? Tf is so pussy about that?

Dropped @chapter 5 because wtf. I didnt read the comments before jumping in. . .
I rlly dnt get how some ppl complain about other ppl being bothered by r*pe in a story.
R*pe play between partners is okay if that's ur thing ig. Thats between yall to figure out. And r*pe in a story doesn't particularly bother me. Afterall, life isn't sunshine and rainbows and these things do happen. But. . romanticizing and/or normalizing r*pe does bother me. Most of these characters end up falling in love with their perpetrator and it has me completely baffled. Wheres the redemption??? THIS is supposed to be romance??? . .This is supposed to be excusable? DEar god, no. Only disgusting monsters can put someone through this.
So stop defending this shit and call it out for what is: trash. Just say that it doesn't bother u or that u actually like it, and move on. But stop defending it. Just because it's "fictional" does not mean it's okay. U wanna fetishize r*pe? Go ahead. But stop being braindead and thinking that other people are just being "too sensitive" to topics like this being taken so lightly in stories.

I really feel such stories shouldn't be published. Idc if it's yaoi or smut. Raping and then showing attachment in end. This really sends a wrong message. Rape can't be a fantasy or something to fantasise. It really presents the crooked mind nothing else. And defending such actions is a big no. Even though I read this, I hoped they didn't end it a relationship (which they did anyway). It felt so horrible. It wasnt sex it was rape in each episode. (︶︿︶)=凸

I'm only on chapter 9 so far and I really like it, super interesting. But chapter 9 had me cackling nonstop when the author just threw in random arabic letters and didn't even connect them lmao. not that it matters because connecting the letters would've just made words that translate into nothing, literally gibberish. and I, like the sleep deprived idiot that I am, spent a solid 10mins trying to read that lmao oh lord I need to sleep. gn

Omgg not y'all simping over the hot blond psychopath prince that can literally kill you. . but honestly SAME AHAJAHA KALLISTO HMU BOO ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
The bros are okay ig and I dnt remember much of the 4th guy anymore but I dnt rlly like the knight guy. . idrk what or why but he gives me some weird vibes (and the murderer doesn't? How does that work? Idfk, ask my hormones) anyway the prince is hot af
I love this manhwa (=・ω・=)