Dee Dee add 1 photos to About Time

Yo ass is caught.

Give up.

Go home with him n be happy dammit.

Dee Dee add 1 photos to The Redeemed

I'm glad you are honest and regretful.

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Cliché Moments

This is why communication is so important

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Rip Yo Heart Out

Being possessive and making him your possession are two different things.

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Rip Yo Heart Out

Yeah they are.

Dee Dee add 1 photos to DELUSIONAL

No it fucking doesn't. He's just waiting until he gives the ok dammit!!

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Communication

No it's his most important job in life.

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Real Men.

I'm proud of you baby boy.

Stand your ground!

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Rip Yo Heart Out

That isn't something anyone should be used to

Dee Dee add 1 photos to The Reveal

What Tha faaaaaaak????

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Communication

Tis the way of nature

Dee Dee add 1 photos to My Fav Ships

Rak x Robbie

Dee Dee add 1 photos to Death warrants

Yall are so dead

Dee Dee add 1 photos to This Lady LMFAOOO

Bitch you told him to write ten pages!!!!

He had ALOT of material to work with.