2nd font seems to be more of the norm and is easier on the eyes than the 1st.
also the adventurer card from what I could translate:
Race : Human
Profession:(Soldier/warrior for senshi)
Affiliated with/Member of:HonoOnoyaridan (this one is a bit particular cause its techn. a group name so you could leave as it is or try to translate it to something like the Fire Field Ranks)
main character is a single lady in her late 20s? early 30s? who works at a library and is being pursued by a man wanting an affair with her. Her little sister also moves in with her for a bit and I think mc was a bit distant with her parents?
ML? used to be chubby when they were in school and is a doctor's son and now hes a quite handsome and almost unrecognizable from his past self. He used to have a huge crush on the MC when she moved there for a bit when they were in school.
Also his wife looks strikingly like MC but from where I last read, the married couple's relationship was a bit strained and looked like ML couldnt bother keeping up appearances and be more himself now that he's more distant with his wife.
I had the same feeling but the flow of the story was just too good x'D!
No one really had any strong feelings of attachment to start with so I guess that helped?
The characters just feel so mature and "that's just how it is" about things and casually pokes fun at the problems and know what they're getting into lol.
when I try to go to mangago url links, sometimes it redirects to a different manga reading website? is this happening for anyone else? O_o
It is happening for some manga and it's annoying.
From what I noticed, it happens to anything not yaoi related.
^ I only read yaoi but it still happened.
me and that gets annoy
dad seemed fine as a person but boy is his son cute.
I'd mow his grass patch anyday.