I have read a fantasy webtoon before but I have forgotten the name
It's about a girl that had a horrible life and and after she died she with 4 other child were infront of god one of them had to incarnate in another bad life and the girl volunteers so sge will become a Princess I think
Does anyone know the name?
I like Korean movies and kinda like Korean and their idols
But I don't want to be racist but I think they seriously have personality issues I don't mean all of them just mostly new generation with their behavior and cyber bullying and other stuff I feel like they should be taught some humanity in school
I had a couple of Korean friends in my university days 10 years ago and they were one of the nicest people ever
But seriously I don't know where the world is going to with this irrational younger generation
I also don't like their very old generation with conservative behavior. But it's the same in most countries the same as mine it's the new generation that must bring change but right now they are just going downhill
Hopefully the author can have a happy time from now on she didn't deserve this i hope these cyber bullies actually get their karma.