5_guys_boogers_n_fries's experience ( All 0 )

5_guys_boogers_n_fries's answer ( All 182 )

Because it was the first site I was recommended. If mangaowl or bato had been recommended first then I’d be there, it was just chance ig.   reply
1 days
about question
I dug worms out of my moms compost bin and would fry them on the sidewalk, until she found out I was killing her worms then I had to change to snails, in which I had approximately 7165393 of them at different times, but they all magically died because apparently you can’t leave snails in the sun in a closed jar Oh and I’d also catch flies and ......   1 reply
1 days
about question
Meds, sunshine(!!!!!!!!!!!!!), exercise, music, and no social media. And every time I feel myself falling back into it I just straight up tell myself ‘fuck no’ because I can’t deal with it again. I’m grateful I’ve gotten better and I just will not let myself go back to how I was.   reply
3 days
about question
And that’s why I don’t hang out with my old crowd anymore. I just couldn’t take the negativity, I started hanging out with mature people (or at minimum people who weren’t negative Nancy’s) and my life got significantly better. If you can, think about changing up your environment, nobody is forcing you to be miserable.   1 reply
6 days

5_guys_boogers_n_fries's question ( All 9 )

about question
What are your favourite movies? I’ve gone through phases of liking specific movies but I’d have to say the two that really stuck with me were:
1. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
2. Monster (2023)
I love so many of the ghibli films but Nausicaä is by far my favourite (Im a man of taste) though Princess Mononoke is a very solid second.
And I watched monster last summer and I just keep going back to it in my mind. Its phenomenal and SO interesting.

Also if y’all have any movie recs I’ll happily take them!!
26 days
about question
Ok I’ve been chatting w this girl on sincerely (the app where you can send anonymous letters)
We’ve been flirting a bit and I usually don’t do this cause it genuinely grosses me out but I’m enjoying it sm.
she’s so nice and sweet and gives the best compliments.
The problem is I’m trans, she’s into me but I don’t wanna let her down. She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said ‘no, idk if ive ever had a crush on anyone before’, cause I genuinely don’t know. I’m attracted to guys for sure but I have been to girls as well. I genuinely don’t know if I’m bi or if I’m aromantic cause I’m equally into everybody (or equally NOT into everybody), I just don’t know if its romantic interest or just ‘wow I want to be your best friend’
Anyways we’re in completely different time zones, she goes to bed, I eat lunch, I get in bed she wakes up.
But I’m acting so clingyyyy like my hearts going rn. She messaged me good morning but she’s probably busy cause she hasn’t responded since. And I’m clicking on our messages trying to refresh constantly.
Like I haven’t felt this way in so long. Idk if I have a crush on her or if I just love talking to her but wow I just wanna talk to her so bad right now.

Ok back on topic, I genuinely don’t know what to do, I usually write stuff like this in my letters on sincerely but she’s on there so I can’t.
And I don’t have social media either so we ONLY message on that app even though it’s inconvenient.
I wanna keep talking to her but idk if I should bring up the fact that I’m trans, I mean the chance that this goes anywhere is slim but she’s just so nice.
Like I wanna invite her over and chef her up. Like a 5 course meal type shit.
Ok last thing her name means sweet honey in Arabic, like if that isn’t the most perfect thing ever.
Lol I’m not expecting anybody to actually read all that
Prob gonna delete too this is hella embarrassing
08 11,2024
about question
Ok I’m genuinely wondering why y’all hate dicks so much.
Many people on this site read gay porn and still get a jump scare when the dicks are uncensored. You do realise you’re reading stories about two guys having sex right?!? And guys and have dicks?
Why’re y’all so afraid of shlongs?

Like literally every comment section I go to where it’s either uncensored or has an uncensored version. People are commenting “where’s the lightsaber?” Or “wow that was a jump scare”
I’m just wondering why dicks scare you guys so much
06 11,2024
about question
Gimme the last song you listened to and be fr. I wanna judge y’all’s music taste. (And or gain some recs)
18 09,2024
I may be a bad texter (horrifically bad texter) and I just remembered that someone texted me, so I went to their messages and found out they texted me last AUGUST and I just now remembered. I have another one from Feb 2023 but I think that’s too far gone. Idek if I should respond anymore, I like these people but idk if they like me after (unintentionally) ghosting them lmao. help
29 07,2024