✨BunGal✨ created a topic of To deny the route

Spoiler if just starting, but ending rushed the issues not addressed

They didn’t really cover his removing karayn from his list of targets, the origin of the system windows, reasoning why his OG life even mattered to the plot expect for that he could think past his age, the cloaked person said he would return back to his OG life, and so is he just preventing death by not having a OG story ending? they didn’t cover why extending the ending or bypassing the ending decided to work even though he picked routes, why his black haired friend wasn’t in a route or target with him, where did the story come from, and why him in this world? why he was the one with stats, and why Ilya could normally not see the system windows even when he transferred mana before or when he stopped doing it, etc.

I feel like they set us up with questions and then decided to just bypass a lot of them or make them not matter.

The magician fortune teller told him to not forget his name and ask who he is and that never was addressed afterwards.

Don’t get me wrong the dynamic is cute and I liked the ride overall and like that they had humor and all——

but it really wouldn’t have been difficult to give a reasoning like when he got hit by a car he held the book and the magician was someone from his life giving him another chance to decide his fate and believe that love and other goals were part of his life, like you choose your own destiny not the other way around.

I even thought legit he would go back to the real world in hospital bed and Ilya would be there as like his friend who confessed to him and mc rejected bc he was scared of that route and then they become a couple, something like that.

I like how cute the ending was too but the unanswered questions and plot build ups that were ignored (even despite my own reasoning), bother me a bit from enjoying it more

✨BunGal✨ created a topic of Forced Strategy 100%

That last chapter took a dark turn, def went left at romance/college-life-turned-survival-game to mobster x student simulation in a way I didn’t expect. I think it’s refreshing but the two plots don’t seem to mesh together in a way that feels natural quite yet. Though it IS a game so that may be it. Interested ti see what happens next… though maybe with a few less severed limbs pls

✨BunGal✨ created a topic of Forced Strategy 100%

My prediction is that he is not the one that put the spikes into the bird, but loves the bird and someone very sociopath (who enjoys seeing the things that the guy likes to suffer) is doing it—bc nailing a pet bird does not read as sadism to me, it reads as disturbed and I doubt the tone of the story will set him up to be that kind of person. I believe he is afraid that by liking someone (like he did the bird) that that a third party person will by extension cause harm to them just to screw with him or torture his emotions, or to punish him. I will say if it was a dog or cat and not a bird, y’all would be putting out hit contracts on him, so it’s likely he’s not the torturer of the bird either way

✨BunGal✨ created a topic of Yankee to Carameliser

…then proceeds to make fancy dessert lol
Lucky I love cute desserts


  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi
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A sketch for my friend lmao

He’s going to be so broken after saying that, not going to be able to stand for days, I can feel it. Famous last words bro, it was nice knowing you

✨BunGal✨ like the answer
Hi! I’m a PhD student with a focus media and sexuality studies, specifically BL. Long story short yes, I 100% believe it is fine. In fact, these sort of fantasies can even be healthy, when they remain within the realm of fantasy. I’ll be leaving links to academic sources about this below. This goes with other kinds of illegal things—murder, c......