I feel a scandalous past of either the older brother or the parents that makes the older brother hate the entertainment industry. . . or he's got some tsundere repressed feelings and is actually his non-blood related brother :P
Mori-san may be horrible, but the scary part is how goshdarn REAL he is, like the type of real that is so screwed up, that it doesn't seem fictional. I'm anticiapating a good continuation, where I hope Mori-san gets his heart thrown around a little too, for a change.
I actually really liked this; it's refreshingly different, and sort of calls out some formulaic tropes that occur in other alternate world shoujo manga and even Otome game sort of plots. I'm excited to see the story progress! So please update soon!
So who else thinks Komomo was fucking badass? I mean, I sort of want her like that more often, as crazy as that sounds. Not sure how she would fight if it came down to it though . . .
WHERE IS CHAPTER 5??!?!?! D: such a cliffhanger!