Am I the only one who wants to see our leading tortured unrequited main character hook up with senpai instead? Idk I just like how senpai is this supporting energy and how he is very receptive of other people and takes care to try to not hurt others (at least, not without reason, lol!) Idk, is it just me? They'll prob hook up the childhood friends bc that's what normally goes down in BL manga... But it would be refreshing to have a different turn of events...idk, Guess we'll find out in Vol 2?

I want Momo to be with Yone Senpai too! Oh, and it's Senpai in this case not Sensei -- Yone's a grad student not a teacher : D

So this comic is originally from Lehzin, and Lehzin protects the creative property of the artist/author. The website reveals unlocked chapters up to chapter 24, MAYBE 25..but then you have to PAY FOR IT. Not something I'm unused to, but essentially if you want to buy from ch 26 to the newest chapter out you need to buy coins from Lehzin and each chapter costs 2 coins unless you get higher up in the chapters, then it goes to 4-5 coins. How many coins would that be, you ask? Around 68 coins. And how much does a pack of coins cost in total for the new chapters? Get ready to pay $30-$50 or more--even with points and discounts. So I'm not sure if there will further chapter released here after ch 24 or 25, since the chapters after that are need-to-pay locked chapters on Lehzin. I have still not confirmed if they will unlock more chapters over time as an abundance of new chapters are released (Out of Control goes up to about 50+chapters already). So I am not sure--I just don't want everyone to be heartbroken like I was when I found out!! At least the last chapter available doesn't end on a cliffhanger, so I guess that something! ┗( T﹏T )┛

It's not exactly scanlated bc it's a webcomic so it's all digital and all online--but yeah you are def right. I felt it didn't seem wrong to pay "coins" per chapter, until I found out how much each "coin pack" was! ): hopefully when they get enough updates, they'll unlock some chapters? Sometimes certain titles are free as a special, let's hope they do a BL one!

The things I LOVE about this series:
1) Mito has a slow makeover, but she doesn't go through an unrealistic body and image change to look like typical shoujo heroine--she is a better version of herself, and to me that's more realistic
2) The guys don't all fall for her, and even the object of her affections (kunimitsu) can turn her down while still honoring their friendship (at least until they maybe decide to eventually bring him back as a love rival lol)
3) Typical b*tchy female rival character turns out to be another human, capable of human emotion and cheering on Mito
4) Mito is self conscious, and the story is not about her overcoming her weight or anything like that--it's about herself and coming out of her shell
5) The characters from her otome game show up in real life, but aren't the idols she was expecting--one is crazy shy, the other gay, and the last one acts out as a "demon" tsundere character--it shows that reality is more complex and different than your expectations
6) Again, I love how she looks like herself still after all the chapters, and how she likes the guys she likes for their kindness over looks, and how she even gave horse-face guy a real chance (even if he wasn't what she thought) and how she is generally becoming more honest with herself. It feels real, and their decisions and reactions feel real even in typical shoujo scenarios--and I think we can all relate to Mito's fantasies that almost overlap with reality, lol! (≧∀≦)
Plot Twist Idea:
Rei's fiancé is actually a man
...maybe I've been reading too much yaoi lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Lol that might be great(≧∀≦)
lol.. whhat has become of uus... ( ̄∇ ̄")hehehe.. (≧∀≦)