Lolita created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

You can’t tell someone to treat you a certain way and then get upset when they treat you EXACTLY the way you told them to treat you. Yeah he’s crying and everything but bruv what did you think was going to happen?

That’s like saying “be honest with me” and then getting mad when they honest with you LOL

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Tearjerking,Thought provoking,Emotional rollercoaster of BL mangas ranging from normal stories with a Dark tone to Extremely Twisted plots & characters.

DISCLAIMERSome mangas have very disturbing contents like - incest, rape, orgy, abuse, polyamorous relations, different types of psychosexual disorders. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

- pairings,tag/descriptions,mild spoilers,my thoughts on the manga
<- mangas having TRAGIC END
<- HIGHLY disturbing content WARNING

10 days
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Lolita followed a list

warning !!


- rape / non-con / dub-con
- emotional manipulation
- other tag warnings unlisted

i will mostly only includes R18 stuffs and good art since i am easily turned off with the art i dislike.


non-smut toxic love/yandere ml recommendation:

edit: links will be directed to batoto or hentai sites

13 days
Lolita created a topic of The Phantom of the Opera

There’s no way. Hahahha

I just realized this is chapter NINETY SEVEN and the resolution of the main conflict of these two characters was like 7 speech bubbles worth of story.

….unless this isn’t the resolution and this is only the beginning of it? We have a few more tropes to cover before the end of this thing so fingers crossed.

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Lolita add photo to list list

Wouldn't that be some wild shit if ukr is actually into everything that’s happening to him and seme has FULL knowledge of what he’s doing?

Like all the while this story is presenting itself as some romance yaoi but in reality it’s some messed up psycho drama with a DARK ending.

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