Did the father like mc as his love or sson
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

He loves him romantically(▰˘◡˘▰) and he also said that he knew the guy before marrying his daughter, I don’t remember if he said that he was looking for him and that’s why he went to the guy’s dental clinic but u can see his reaction when the daughter tells him she is gonna marry that guy and his reaction in the wedding ヾ(☆▽☆)

Because ofnthe spoiler...I kinda hatenthe elf girl..tho I don't know if it a truth or not
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Okay so spoiler alert!!!
Tessia received a lot of backlash from novel readers because she caused a lot of people to die, she also sort of pushed arthur to have a relationship with her. and had a "bratty" and spolied like attitude. She also wasn't the exact reason her dad died, but she's one of the reason. (Her father died because of his own mistake and decisions, but his decision was caused by tessia)

spoiler again
, in the newest episodes of the novel, art got separated with all the other people and elves (tessia, his family etc etc) and ended up in the new continent, (this will be in another arc so WAIT FORRR ITTT IT WOULD BE SO GOOODDDD) there's another girl that is with art rn, but they're not in a relationship because of a circumstance (im not gonna tell what that circumstance is, its for you to find out :3) of the girl. Art mentioned that only if that circumstance wasn't there, he'd already be falling in love with her. her name is caera :)) Its not sure yet whose girl art would end up with, but i honestly most prefer him to be with caera since caera is more mature and amazing compared to tessia. its my opinion tho, so its okay if you'll still ship art with tess
His sister is an extreme brocon.... don't like it(⌒▽⌒)