So this is an example to show the og raeliana in beatrice’s body that she could have actually gotten what she wanted if she just trusted and loved herself more. The current raeliana (which I bet is actually beatrice’s soul in the earth universe without knowing she is beatrice) is the evidence of that. Og raeliana realized it in her last moments (in beatrice’s body)..
This was quite an interesting one. I love the message behind it too. FL is kinda Beatrice actually but in another universe beatrice (our world). So earth world beatrice got into the “story book” raelianas body and beatrice (appearance wise) in that story is og raeliana that thinks being someone else that is destined for good would be handed to her the same way just cuz she looks like beatrice beatrice. I know that no matter what, beatrice in every universe will always “seem” to get it because its centered towards her but we actually couldve seen the real raeliana strive if she didnt swapped appearances and thinks all shes destined for is the worse. She couldve been like beatrice if she didnt waste her energy wanting to be beatrice. She couldve put that same energy onto herself and be the main character if she wants to.
Message from me :
So u can strive as yourself if you want and choose to. :)<3 be and love yourself! <3 very important!
It seems like the lady clorence (elise) story was a waste of time if the ending was going to be like that. It would have been better if the brunette her and linden met before she reincarnated as elise and the story is just her as elise throughout. Having it started out as the brunette her and making it all about elise the whole time then brunette her again is like I couldnt care less about brunette her anymore.
Also where is lenne I miss himm. And chris too towards the end he doesnt seem that close with elise anymore. I want to see more of their family dinners. I also wanted to see the king again and his condition. And andd I wish their wedding era was longer.. with mil attending etc. and her assistant the grey haired guy was significant at first but towards the end there wasnt anything else.. he had potential too. Also wheres is the linden, mil, elise trip :’ alot of things had bigger potential and this webtoon could go on alittle longer imo.
Side note: why is linden ron now? I wish they had a history about the first prince since they introduced him like that.
I actually like the story although some things could be fixed better. 7.3/10 for me. Watch the anime guys!
I couldn't help but reply to your comment. I just finished reading the manhwa just minutes ago and was scrolling through the comments and found yours.
I'm a bit confused on how you said Elise's story was "a waste of time" after the whole reincarnation with the brunette girl.
Pretty much back then, Elise reincarnated twice. Once when she died by the Crown Prince's hand and lived on "Earth". And the second being when she died on a plane crash and re-lived her first life. Meaning to say, the brunette at the ending could've been whatever number reincarnation of Elise (or even not).
When I think about it, this could actually go on longer and get more interesting than planned :0 cuz some parts are alittle rushed (not a deal breaker). Alittle side note, as the story progresses I thought the more he sucked his blood the much younger he gets to the point he would adjust to noi’s age and also turn into a vampire cuz chapter by chapter he slowly looked younger lolol I think its the authors way of showing how much better his state is after being with noi.
Idk y but I cried when kyon confessed ( ̄∇ ̄") its okay he can be with me instead lol