I read it a long time ago and all the details are hazy... some things I remember:
1. A group of schoolboys meet after school in an abandond building/warehouse. They are in some sort of club
2. They are building a robot
3. They had the robot kidnap a pretty girl (can't remember why)
4. One member idolizes the president but later saw him having sex with another member (yes it's a yaoi scene)
5. At some point they are killing each other or some sort of punishment? I just remeber it being gory and bloody
And its prequel
I can't use the mobile viewer... Currently when I'm viewing a manga on my tablet, the desktop version is dispalyed. Before it shows the mobile version. Any idea how to force the mobile viewer? I don't like the desktop view T_T
Im using chrome and the request desktop is unticked
Thanks.... It was helpful
The most unlovable characters I have ever read. Especially Charles and Zac. Never warmed up to them
Julian was my least favorite character, and Zac got annoying.. i kinda wished Carter and Charles got together but they didnt ;-;