Jeemee February 25, 2024 8:10 pm

man is it that good

Jeemee February 25, 2024 4:14 am

Wanted to share a little thought, feel free to interact and tell me what you think!

Making such a fuss over a simple peck... If Minwoo truly valued Skylar as his closest friend, he would have acknowledged the error and moved on. But for him to react this strongly? It seems like he harbored dislike towards Skylar from the start
While Skylar shouldn't have kissed him without consent, it's important to consider the small moments that may have contributed to him catching feelings. I'm not referring to them sharing cigarettes because that was straightforward, but the kiss on the cheek? I'm not suggesting that best friends shouldn't engage in such behavior, but they shouldn't be shocked if it leads to confusion. Remember, they were just 16 years old—a time for self-discovery and questioning the world around them. Terminating nearly ten years of friendship over a simple peck is absurd. It seems to me that Minwoo was simply searching for a reason to distance himself from Skylar. I feel so sorry for Skylar, for it appears that boy held hatred against you from the start.

(Side note : To anyone wanting to reread LITC pls do while listening to the entirety of the album « Crumbling » by Mid-Air Thief to awaken all your emotional depths.)

    ilikethisstuff February 25, 2024 5:19 am

    I think that homophobia also plays a role in all the rage that Minwoo had after the kiss

    Kob February 25, 2024 6:52 am

    This!! Minwoo definitely must’ve had some internalized homophobia for doing that. And the way he said “I made you feel how I felt” when he made that man kiss Skyler and made him think that was him was just downright disgusting. A simple drunken peck is nowhere compared to that. And how he also assaulted Skyler — no, GOT people to assault him for multiple days is just wow??? I’ve even seen people defend Minwoo saying how Skyler sexually assaulted him, but Skyler being drunk, sixteen, and giving him a simple peck on the lips does not deserve his feelings being played with and literally being beaten up to the pulp for doing that??

    zx3 February 25, 2024 7:23 am
    This!! Minwoo definitely must’ve had some internalized homophobia for doing that. And the way he said “I made you feel how I felt” when he made that man kiss Skyler and made him think that was him was jus... Kob

    it's disgusting regardless the gender, now imagine having a friend as a guy, she's a girl but you view her as a little sister, or in general a sister.. you Don't like her romantically at all, and you and your friend are drunk but think of that kiss as something they wanted to do anyways, which makes you sick to your stomach you don't like her, you don't view her as anything other then a sister.. if that happened you would get an ick so quickly, but the bullying was unnecessary, also he give him a chance to prove it was a drunken mistake but he said he wanted to go out... also it should've been obvious it was a set up when this mf decided to put skylar on blindfolds, not victim blaming , skylar should've let go even if he felt like he could have another chance with someone that looked like him, anddd he was wrong as well, which is sad but great , although he should stop wearing those rose tinted glasses near his type, and should remember thatt not everyone is gay.. it's a bit sad how hard it is for gay people , who are surrounded by straight people. but well cirrus and skylar have something going on now? that's good for him. they have a bit similarities and it's nice ro see them getting along now

    Jeemee February 25, 2024 11:17 am
    I think that homophobia also plays a role in all the rage that Minwoo had after the kiss ilikethisstuff

    Oh it most certainly did. I believe his homophobic inclinations were always present but became more pronounced once he began associating with those older students who smoke.

    Jeemee February 25, 2024 11:35 am
    This!! Minwoo definitely must’ve had some internalized homophobia for doing that. And the way he said “I made you feel how I felt” when he made that man kiss Skyler and made him think that was him was jus... Kob

    I agree with your point, but I also empathize with those defending Minwoo. Sexual assault is unacceptable under any circumstances. Regardless of the circumstances such as age, gender, or mental state, actions without consent are never justified and should not be downplayed. While Minwoo had the right to feel disgusted when pecked while asleep, but his reaction was overly disproportionate. If we were to compare both of their actions in a scale, Minwoo's response would weigh heavily. Ideally, he could have distanced himself temporarily so Skylar could reflect on his behavior. However, this is just how I might have reacted in his situation. I cannot prescribe how individuals should respond to sexual assault, especially a 16-year-old going through a rebellious phase.

    Additionally, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of his internalized homophobia. It appears that he always harbored such tendencies, as his ambiguous behaviors imply. However, the turning point might have been when he realized Skylar's divergence from his expectations while interacting with the older peers. The disapproving stares they directed at Skylar for hesitating to accept the cigarette could have triggered Minwoo's repulsion towards him. Associating with older individuals, especially at a young and impressionable age, often leads to negative outcomes. His sense of self may have been entirely distorted by his interaction with those seniors in question.

    Jeemee February 25, 2024 11:42 am
    it's disgusting regardless the gender, now imagine having a friend as a guy, she's a girl but you view her as a little sister, or in general a sister.. you Don't like her romantically at all, and you and your f... zx3

    While you accurately capture Minwoo's revulsion towards Skylar's actions, you're demanding too much from a 16-year-old who is already dealing with numerous internal and external challenges. If the incident hadn't occurred on a school night but had unfolded over a weekend, Skylar might have had the chance to reflect on the consequences of his actions. Nevertheless, the fact that Minwoo, his closest friend, held such intense hatred towards him spoke volumes. If the issue hadn't surfaced due to the peck, it could have emerged later at a more critical juncture, potentially causing even greater harm to both of them. Therefore, in a sense, I'm relieved that it all transpired during middle school, a phase where life isn’t relatively serious.

    zx3 February 25, 2024 8:26 pm
    While you accurately capture Minwoo's revulsion towards Skylar's actions, you're demanding too much from a 16-year-old who is already dealing with numerous internal and external challenges. If the incident hadn... Jeemee

    As a 16yo, i believe age doesn't have anything to do with this

    Jeemee February 25, 2024 9:21 pm
    As a 16yo, i believe age doesn't have anything to do with this zx3

    I guess it depends on how you live your life but from my personal experience, at 16 my life was super wild and was very similar to how Skylar’s a Minwoo’s. If not a lot wilder.

    zx3 February 26, 2024 3:55 am
    I guess it depends on how you live your life but from my personal experience, at 16 my life was super wild and was very similar to how Skylar’s a Minwoo’s. If not a lot wilder. Jeemee

    calm down! don't brag abt it :)

    Kob March 1, 2024 2:30 am
    it's disgusting regardless the gender, now imagine having a friend as a guy, she's a girl but you view her as a little sister, or in general a sister.. you Don't like her romantically at all, and you and your f... zx3

    No, I definitely agree it’s wrong regardless the gender but to go as far as to assault skylar for multiple days because of it has had to have homophobia involved, or he has some serious anger issues, even to the point he sexually assaulted Skylar BACK (aka stripping him forcefully, yes that’s SA). No normal person would torment someone for multiple days a week because of that.

    Kob March 1, 2024 2:34 am
    I agree with your point, but I also empathize with those defending Minwoo. Sexual assault is unacceptable under any circumstances. Regardless of the circumstances such as age, gender, or mental state, actions w... Jeemee

    While I agree, people fail to realize Minwoo and the boys SA’D Skylar back when they decided it was a good idea to strip him off his clothes without his consent whatsoever. Yes, that’s SA even if there was no sexual intentions involved. I cannot emphasize with people who support Minwoo’s actions whatsoever. Yes, I can emphasize with Minwoo’s feeling of disgust because he did it without his consent, but defending his actions is a whole ‘nother level, going to the point to get multiple people to torment, and SA Skylar back is not okay whatsoever. Not saying you said it was, just to the people who do think it is

    Kob March 1, 2024 2:35 am
    I agree with your point, but I also empathize with those defending Minwoo. Sexual assault is unacceptable under any circumstances. Regardless of the circumstances such as age, gender, or mental state, actions w... Jeemee

    I just realized I said whatsoever like five times

    Jeemee March 1, 2024 11:28 pm
    While I agree, people fail to realize Minwoo and the boys SA’D Skylar back when they decided it was a good idea to strip him off his clothes without his consent whatsoever. Yes, that’s SA even if there was ... Kob

    Oh you definitely right

    Jeemee March 1, 2024 11:28 pm
    I just realized I said whatsoever like five times Kob


Jeemee February 25, 2024 1:37 am

So I just read the whole 90 chapters in a day. All I have to say is, I’ve got mixed feelings about Cirrus. I don’t want Skylar hurt again, seeing him cry every page during the first season was hard enough. But I have a feeling it’s Cirrus’s turn to drown in sorrow

    Nobody February 25, 2024 1:41 am

    Re read S2 lol

    Jeemee February 25, 2024 1:48 am
    Re read S2 lol Nobody

    And why should I ?

    *Yui* February 25, 2024 8:08 am

    well yeah, I had some suspicion about Cirrus too, but now I feel like Cirrus truly likes Skylar and he has gone through enough sorrow! WDYM HE HAS TO GO THROUGH MORE??? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Jeemee October 18, 2024 12:59 pm
    Re read S2 lol Nobody

    Seems like I was right and you’re the one that needs to reread s2

    Nobodyhome October 19, 2024 1:37 pm
    Seems like I was right and you’re the one that needs to reread s2 Jeemee

    You were actually wrong lmao

    Jeemee October 19, 2024 1:54 pm
    You were actually wrong lmao Nobodyhome

    How was I wrong when Cirrus did suffer a lot in s3 HELP, we’ve got a sore loser, it’s okay have a nice one

Jeemee February 24, 2024 12:50 pm

AINT never seen a more slower mc than Yoohan

Jeemee February 23, 2024 1:28 am

All those fools that were saying Jumin would treat Dan better need to get their eyesight checked the dude openly looks like a wife-beater

Jeemee February 20, 2024 11:40 pm

Always going on damn hiatus

Jeemee February 14, 2024 7:20 pm

Are you saying that despite the undeniable evidence of sexual assault and abuse, that disgraceful individual is still not in prison? Have we lost all sense of justice along the way?

    cl0udyd4ys_ February 26, 2024 2:28 pm

    THIS. i got to the part where they were sharing their past and how they know each other, tell me why they started this type of relationship when woojin looked around elementary school age and haekyung looked around high school age
.i literally could not continue because it felt icky

    Jeemee February 27, 2024 11:15 am
    THIS. i got to the part where they were sharing their past and how they know each other, tell me why they started this type of relationship when woojin looked around elementary school age and haekyung looked ar... cl0udyd4ys_


    Ella March 4, 2024 10:18 pm
    THIS. i got to the part where they were sharing their past and how they know each other, tell me why they started this type of relationship when woojin looked around elementary school age and haekyung looked ar... cl0udyd4ys_

    Heyy super late reply but I just rechecked this work to see for an update and saw this...Even I thought woojin looked very young so I read it again and woojin is 3 years younger than Hakyung so when they first met Hakyung was around 10 and woojin around 7 and then when woojin saw the kiss scene he should def be in middle school somewhere...Their relationship started suuper young and even tho technically they were both children, even I was like ehhhh ummm in all the kiss scenes but definitely NOT elementary school lol no...atleast i hope my analysis aint wrong

    Ella March 4, 2024 10:19 pm
    Heyy super late reply but I just rechecked this work to see for an update and saw this...Even I thought woojin looked very young so I read it again and woojin is 3 years younger than Hakyung so when they first ... Ella


    cl0udyd4ys_ March 5, 2024 2:26 am
    Heyy super late reply but I just rechecked this work to see for an update and saw this...Even I thought woojin looked very young so I read it again and woojin is 3 years younger than Hakyung so when they first ... Ella

    ouhh okay i assumed woojin was an elementary schooler cause he looked so young still a bit icky though, i never would’ve had that type of relationship with someone three years younger than me in highschool like
an 8th grader and 11th grader? um, no
i’ll pass

Jeemee February 13, 2024 11:21 pm

I’m gonna need that backstory QUICK. I need to know where it all went down

Jeemee February 13, 2024 11:20 pm

That mf sick as fuck bruh I’m so sad the mc stood on business bc ain’t no way

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