I get that he threatened him, but how??? How is that going to be misunderstood??? And like, isn't the president obsessed with Suha? Wouldn't she at least consider what he was saying against the readhead bitch???

I guess that's possible, he does refrain from drinking. Maybe it's something related to his parents, since we don't really know a lot about why he came to his grandma, and why she hates him so much? So maybe like a history of alcoholism or smth?
Idk man, I'm talking outta my ass, but nothing makes sense
I 100% think that Luca used the goblet's wish in another timeline, which led to the protagonist becoming Judith. That's why he knows so much, acts different, knew abt the assassination etc.
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I read one of the commentor who read the novel, they said yes, luca used the once in a lifetime wish. But don't know what exactly the wish was that makes the times turn back and here he is knowing the plot of his life.