diddl July 10, 2023 9:32 pm

What is there left to say than the uke literally being held responsible as in being forced to have sex with the seme just because both their respective boyfriends cheated together on them. Considering their other manga it’s safe to say that the mangaka has no concept for consensual sex and healthy relationships. Coercion like this results in non consent and is punishable by law. Even if that wasn’t the r word it’s still at the very least sexual assault and coercion. I can’t - good art wasted on bullshit story again.

    L_seme_s October 8, 2023 4:44 pm

    Cheating is considered quite normal in Japan I saw it on street interview.

diddl July 10, 2023 9:31 pm

another manga going to the very huge pile of „beautiful art wasted on normalized dubcon shit with dog semes that are way to aggressive, dumb, possessive and can’t keep it in their pants“. Like bro better than writing something halfassed and unnecessary like that, why not go for full on porn without plot that at least is consensual. Of course even then it still wouldnt be a good written manga and it still would be very far away from the real bl gems there are, that actually have everything (plot, consent, good pace and build up, nice art and then as a bonus not a must beautiful smex scenes) but at least it could have been a good smut without plot piece. And we all can agree that there are some smut without plot gems that actually are better than the manga like this one that have „plot“.

    Elena August 20, 2023 9:51 pm

    I thought the same as you, at first I thought it would be interesting but then the only thing that happened was that the Seme pressured until he conquered Uke by force.... very boring.

diddl July 10, 2023 9:30 pm

Wanted to read the story but first went to check if it’s a happy ending in the last chapter which was the extra… bro wtf this Ritsu guy is freaking mental… I can’t ship a couple that basically has been made out of lies, where one guy was systematically manipulated into this relationship. That’s freaking creepy as hell. He stalked the seme for years, then also arranged and staged a whole ass situation for them to meet. Call me a hater but I don’t understand how the fact that one guy has been stalking the guy for years, just to then set up a plan to get together with him - so basically manipulate him, is something to desire from a partner. He should be sued for the stalker he is. And also the reason for all that starting, was also so dumb. His dad deserved more than a punch and he as the son should know it (he himself should have thrown the punch at the dad for beating up his mom that supported him but no he’s “angry” at the punch his dad got). The detective faced consequences for the punch so it’s not like he didn’t have any backlash for it.
which imo also would have been fine - the dad being someone that abused his power over his subordinates, over his wife and over his son. Nope he’s scum, so the least he deserved was a big fat slap in the face.

    Dugundugun November 12, 2023 3:58 pm

    I think he was angry because Kurose rejected him when he wanted to sleep with, for once. He wasn’t angry about the Dad getting punched, in fact, he’s gonna make him suffer the moment he got bedridden.

diddl July 10, 2023 9:29 pm

Another one that shows what’s wrong with the omegaverse trope and the people that give 5 star ratings despite the whole story starting with an alpha that wants to drug and rape an omega but ends up drugging and raping another who’s said to be a beta but then turns out to be some kind of omega and therefore this piece of shit alpha is literally being rewarded for this even though he committed multiple crimes. But again that’s yaoi logic for a lot of you apparently as if yaoi is just mindless gay hentai. Smh

    JALLY July 10, 2023 9:33 pm

    Girl what? It’s fiction. If you cannot handle this specific kinds of story, move on?

    diddl July 10, 2023 10:29 pm
    Girl what? It’s fiction. If you cannot handle this specific kinds of story, move on? JALLY

    Okay finally figured out the reply function. So girl. I normally read the tags before I read a manga, as you can see this story has not this label of non con. I skip the first few pages so sometimes I don’t see the warning but also often times it’s simply doesn’t have one.
    But weird that the tags aren't here, so y’all have no problem reading something like that but to be reminded that it is in fact non con, would be a problem?
    So I start the manga see this shit and drop it. And I’m writing a comment. Why? Bc I’m not reading yaoi as only some porn but without plot thing. I want the fiction I consume to have at least some kind of quality standard. And yes this can be meet with smut without plot as well so it’s not like I’m asking the impossible here.
    You and others like you may treat it as some gay equivalent for hentai but I refuse to, simply bc y’all standards are in hell so that we get all these beyond stupid stories that then shape the quality and overall image of what yaoi is. You may be okay with yaoi being seen as fetishized relationships between two dudes, I’m not. All the gems are being buried by less then mediocre mangas and webtoons like I’m not talking about average ones we’re talking about the bad ones.
    So again we are talking different conversations. I’m not about to argue with your taste of porn, although I do assume that if you are a person of the female variety you’d never read something like this with a hetero couple, where the dude does this to the girl and you’d make (validly) fun of all these wattpad stories, but somehow are ok with it when it’s two hot guys. If I’m wrong about this last assumption then sorry, but other than that this is my opinion.
    Also I’m basically dumping all the “reviews” I collected over the last few years bc the comment section was closed, so this review here was originally from like 2021 lol. Saying that bc you no doubt thought I’m spamming all the negative comments (which a lot of them are just bc I’ve read quite some shit over the years but the average ones I sometimes don’t write anything about and the good ones I sometimes didn’t have the time so that must be added).
    Regardless, bye!

    JALLY July 11, 2023 12:23 am
    Okay finally figured out the reply function. So girl. I normally read the tags before I read a manga, as you can see this story has not this label of non con. I skip the first few pages so sometimes I don’t s... diddl

    I’m not reading all that, except the first few sentence. If this doesn’t have anything showing your dislike and you stumble upon it, use COMMON SENSE and basic knowledge.. drop it and MOVE ON. The way you have the privilege to read stories is the same way, they have the privilege to make anything and NO ONE is forcing you to read. Honestly, you don’t even have the privilege to read their work when you haven’t bought it. The way you’re complaining this hard for a book you’re not buying is crazy. You can dislike it all you want but don’t bring up ppl who likes it and criticize them for liking it. It just shows how you don’t got a life, that’s all.

    JALLY July 11, 2023 12:30 am
    Okay finally figured out the reply function. So girl. I normally read the tags before I read a manga, as you can see this story has not this label of non con. I skip the first few pages so sometimes I don’t s... diddl

    Ok I decide to read some more and omfg you clearly don’t know what fetishizing acc means. It’s weird ass hell that you think bl is all saint when it is not. There’s the goods and the bad. Girls reading this shit ain’t fetishizing unless they bring the story to real life and start sexualizing real gay men which half of these girls don’t even do bc they get the CONCEPT of fiction. You gonna shit on gays who read straight love as well? And don’t even get me started of the stereotype of some of them fetishizing straight men. DONT STEREOTYPE. All of these stereotype are bad when there’s always gonna be some people(gays and straights) fetishizing and some people not fetishizing. Like why the hell are you even here? Go educate yourself some more and get the concept of FICTION. There’s supposed to be no REALITY brought into FICTION. If you do that, then fuck off from fiction when that’s the whole POINT.

    JALLY July 11, 2023 12:34 am
    Okay finally figured out the reply function. So girl. I normally read the tags before I read a manga, as you can see this story has not this label of non con. I skip the first few pages so sometimes I don’t s... diddl

    Also you out here assuming me when I read all kinds of shit. Why tf would I treat Hetero any diff from gay. I treat them the same and like they are, fiction. You realize you are in a site where there’s MUTLIPLE of fictions and stories like this everywhere? Do yourself a favor and don’t use this site if it hurts you that bad

    diddl July 11, 2023 1:58 am
    Also you out here assuming me when I read all kinds of shit. Why tf would I treat Hetero any diff from gay. I treat them the same and like they are, fiction. You realize you are in a site where there’s MUTLIP... JALLY

    Lol that is good to know. At least you aren’t a double standardy person when you read stories that have non con and other toxic shit in it. Bc there are a lot of girls that can’t read this shit when it’s about hetero couples and all these books like after or fifty shades of grey shit but somehow are able to read it and ignore it when the non con shit happens with two dudes bc of the hot art. And yes that is one the bad sites of the audience and consumer of yaoi.

    Also what? No one said it’s a problem to read hetero stuff if you’re gay or gay stuff if you’re straight. The f? Read whatever you want.
    Also yeah I would definitely check the part with the fetishizing again if I were you. Bc quite a lot of girls do that and a lot of bl is basically the equivalent of hentai and we know how disgusting these hentai dude bros get there (and that shit is just fetishizing women, disturbing tropes and what not).

    Also sexualising and fetishizing are not the same thing, so if you thought I use that synonymously. I don’t. Bc there’s nothing wrong with reading smut, reading smut without plot or omegaverse per se if we talk about the story (the reason I don’t particularly like omegaverse is bc it almost always has r in it, and almost every time I give it a chance I’m disappointed).
    But if shit is badly written and then ppl act as if all yaoi is the same when there are actually good stories …yikers. than you have to expect ppl to not like it and say so. You act as if I make some hella fuss about every story that has that. No. I do think the whole subgenre of this is a glamourized non con trend is a problem, but I’m for sure not lookin for all this stories to be then be negative. If I stumble across such a story to be invested and then to be fooled bc they hit one again with that, then yeah I’m making a quick comment, the same way other ppl write about how hot this and that was, I’m doing the same and move on. Same thing if it’s something positive.
    Read whatever you want, like whatever you want, but know the difference of you subjectively liking it and you thinking this is a good story. I’m saying you as in one, not you specifically. Bc damn the way ppl really be acting as if all yaoi is the same as long as the art and the smut is there.

    Also the thing with the criticism, it’s the same with shows and books, isn’t it? So why shouldn’t it be okay for me to read something, then see in the first chapter that shit is doodoo, write some quick comment about yes again disappointment and then move on. That’s what I’m doing. It’s my hobby to read, to watch shows so since it’s an interest and a hobby, it makes sense to have an opinion and to voice it doesn’t it? Yeah it does.

    But again I don’t expect you to understand me as again we don't read yaoi the same way. And again I do read smut and all that stuff, so it’s not about that then obviously. It’s about the “I’m only here for the smut” and “Yaoi is nothing but hentai anyway”, “he’s an abuser and what not but he’s hot”. That is stupid in my opinion and all those ppl are the reason these stories like ks or painters of the night have started a trend for the last few years (so much for my fellow women not fetishizing gay dudes in form of bl). So it’s not about me not understanding that those ppl know that its fiction (still will never forget ppl cosplaying sangwoo, 12 y/o having ks merch smh but yeah sure nothing weird about that lol or let’s not begin the conversation about how fiction does often influence ppl in some way or another and the fact that ppl unreflectively consume stories where a lot of non con shit is trivialized is not good).

    Again the bar for yaoi stories is in hell (even though way higher than any other manga genre of romance and sex) and I’m complaining bc I like reading BL for its stories, for its awesome smut (or smut without plot as well) and for its art. And I gladly make a curve away from non con shit but then it shouldn’t be trivialized and randomly in stories that are supposed to be about healthy couples and good endings which are the things I read.
    But yeah if you even made it this far, let’s agree to disagree since obviously we’re not on the same page.

    JALLY July 11, 2023 2:54 am
    Lol that is good to know. At least you aren’t a double standardy person when you read stories that have non con and other toxic shit in it. Bc there are a lot of girls that can’t read this shit when it’s ... diddl

    It’s so hard talking to a dumbass that has no common sense and low knowledge. This site you’re using has EVERYTHING you hate. Maybe just maybe, fuck off. I’m not even gonna read other shit you’ve said bc ik I’ll lose hella Brain cells. I said you can have YOUR opinion, but don’t shit on others for YOUR low knowledge. That’s all bc from my experience, nth gets through talking to brain deads. You even misunderstood some of my replies but I’m not even gonna correct you on that.

    JALLY July 11, 2023 2:56 am
    Also you out here assuming me when I read all kinds of shit. Why tf would I treat Hetero any diff from gay. I treat them the same and like they are, fiction. You realize you are in a site where there’s MUTLIP... JALLY

    Also proves you don’t have a life if you’re that TRIGGERED by other people preferences. You don’t like what you see? Easy to move on

    caliope July 14, 2023 1:25 pm
    Also proves you don’t have a life if you’re that TRIGGERED by other people preferences. You don’t like what you see? Easy to move on JALLY

    sorry but we can all agree this type of yaoi is messed up? they're not saying the genre itself is but let's read the story again. some alpha guy purposely drugs an omega to get with them, ends up drugging the wrong one and just goes along with it feeling bad ab it and trying to make up with his actions.
    I mean, not my go to either, it's like excusing and attempt of rape and the romance is just not even that good. we can have our opinions like the person who wrote this in the first place and u too but turning a blind eye to that is kinda sus. I read it at my own risk and didn't like it, that's all. not gonna recommend it or re read it but if there was someone who put exactly what I think into a comment what's wrong with that? and even worse what's wrong with u for making this much of a deal out of smt u can't even change, that being other people's opinions. let's all just move on aight?

    thank u have a nice day mwa

    diddl July 14, 2023 1:44 pm
    sorry but we can all agree this type of yaoi is messed up? they're not saying the genre itself is but let's read the story again. some alpha guy purposely drugs an omega to get with them, ends up drugging the w... caliope

    Thank you! Gosh is it really so not understandable what I said?
    But I have to say I do shit on the opinion of ppl that read this and like it. I stand by that. And I explained why as well. I’m so fed up with all these ppl. Like I don’t purposely seek out bullshit manga to then rave about how much I hate them. Some of them I stumble across, think they will be okay and then I check the tags, sometimes check content warnings if there are any. But if there are no tags. If ppl that like this shit aren’t even true to themselves that this contains rape or sexual assault then what are we trying here?
    Of course I will be pissed about this shit bc it’s taking over yaoi and its outside image and you have all these ppl here not even admitting that they read this messed up shit for very likely only the porn. And then you at the same time have the ppl that basically say yaoi is only gay hentai which is not true. But also would be some sad thing considering how hentai is not known for good and quality smut. Much less for plot and other things a story should contain.

    diddl July 14, 2023 1:55 pm
    It’s so hard talking to a dumbass that has no common sense and low knowledge. This site you’re using has EVERYTHING you hate. Maybe just maybe, fuck off. I’m not even gonna read other shit you’ve said b... JALLY

    Are you stupid? Are you one of those ppl that say you can’t complain or criticize something and still love it? Is that a foreign concept for you?
    This site will of course have everything I love and everything I hate. I use this site to read yaoi. Bc I mostly don’t care about other genre and the other mangas I read are not here. So I love yaoi and I hate parts of the yaoi fandom and community. Soo if I stumble across a story like this even though I already make some pretty extensive filtering then of course I will ne ticked off, if there is not even a rape tag on it most of the times with these stories.
    Ppl should read what they want but don’t act as if stories like these are not messed up, don’t act as if this is quality content or even smut and don’t try to downplay all this by saying yaoi is basically gay hentai. I’m not saying that to you but a lot of ppl do this shit. And a lot of ppl go here to read yaoi bc their tolerance is bigger for non con shit if it’s done to a man. So again I’m shitting on those ppl that not coincidentally are more in line with liking these sorts of stories. I stand by that I think it’s stupid,and I’m not saying that as someone who didn’t have those tolerances a few years ago but I’m reflecting at least. And I’ve been reading since I’m a teen which is bad bc teens shouldn’t read this. Bc you have ppl like me that learn and then we have ppl that are adults and can’t even acknowledge messed up shit and it’s problems even in fiction

    JALLY July 14, 2023 4:53 pm
    sorry but we can all agree this type of yaoi is messed up? they're not saying the genre itself is but let's read the story again. some alpha guy purposely drugs an omega to get with them, ends up drugging the w... caliope

    Again bitch, it’s fiction, FICTION. Turning a blind eye to a fictional plot? Fuck yes. and what you said? I’ve been doing and saying the most shit a person with common sense would do to the bitch that was bitching yet they decided to come for my ass with essay written shit. so who’s making a big fucking deal? You saw the comment I FIRST replied to, it was not that fucking deep.

    JALLY July 14, 2023 4:56 pm
    Thank you! Gosh is it really so not understandable what I said? But I have to say I do shit on the opinion of ppl that read this and like it. I stand by that. And I explained why as well. I’m so fed up with a... diddl

    They’re messed up for only reading the porn? Bitch, if they want too, they fucking can. That’s your def of messed up? Haha what a dumb bitch. Take is easy granny, shitting on people won’t get you much in life if you even have one when you’re so busy bitching about others.

    JALLY July 14, 2023 5:06 pm
    Are you stupid? Are you one of those ppl that say you can’t complain or criticize something and still love it? Is that a foreign concept for you? This site will of course have everything I love and everything... diddl

    WHO IS SAYING YAOI IS GAY HENTAI? Bitch loves to fucking assume shit up their ass. Yaoi is literally BL but more explicit. It’s common sense to know that if this shit happens in RL, it would be very fucked up but it’s fiction, ofc they’re not gonna fucking take it to the heart, and they don’t have too but they should acknowledge it. Ik how fiction can affect BUT only on people with WEAK mindset. And be fucking fr, even with a women, it’s the same, don’t think just bc it’s a man it’s easier to see when NOBODY thinks that. Stop coming up with bullshits. Again, they can like whatever fucking story as long as they don't bring it upon reality. Just bc you had a weak ass mindset that like to bring hella reality into fiction, don’t mean other ppl who read will. And the way you’re comparing little shits to adults who GET the concept of fiction which is why they’re not making a big ass deal about stories like these bc it’s? FICTION. People acknowledge the problem and that’s ok but to take it so deep? That’s the problem. If you have all the damn energy and time to take it deep, use it on the REAL world where more messed up shit is happening ffs.

    KatTheKat July 17, 2023 4:46 pm

    Oh how I missed the comment section..

    Kim dokja's side bitch July 23, 2023 3:13 am
    Oh how I missed the comment section.. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ KatTheKat


    bibachoro-ok August 1, 2023 6:21 pm
    Oh how I missed the comment section.. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ KatTheKat

    lmfao this is how i found out the comments are back. i thought i was reading juicy tea from years ago, but this is recent! wild.

    bibachoro-ok August 1, 2023 6:43 pm

    i respect your feelings, but there's zero correlation with the omegaverse trope lmao. it's a trope, with a lot of variables. it's like if you read a problematic story featuring a college teacher abusing their power and you'd say "this is the problem with college stories!". the story even explicitly points out that this specific version of omegaverse is problematic and unfair, that's the whole reason they don't get mated in the end. the dude doesn't get rewarded for the crime either, he gets a happy ending after he actually becomes a better person and tries to sincerely atone for it. the story clearly treats noncon as a bad thing, all the characters know it's a bad thing, it's the villain's only trait. is the ease of forgiveness disproportionate to the crime though? sure. that would be valid criticism.

    Mizumi Zoldyck August 13, 2023 3:28 am
    Girl what? It’s fiction. If you cannot handle this specific kinds of story, move on? JALLY


    hyunchanee August 16, 2023 4:26 pm

    Another person who should read more books and learn how to appreciate a story's depth rather than act like some moral here over a work of FICTION. What is wrong with this world, are people not allowed to read and like anything other than fluff these days? You have worms for brains.

    Oikawa August 27, 2023 4:14 pm

    And lmao bcoz of this kind of fights the comment section was turned off tho

    Oikawa August 27, 2023 4:14 pm

    I enjoyed the fight tho

    sheeze September 25, 2023 1:11 pm

    I get your point. May I ask if you read the whole story?

diddl July 10, 2023 9:27 pm

Was okay, liked the comedian couple a lot more but both couples/stories had so much more potential that wasn’t met which is very disappointing. They were rushed, also there were a few instances with both semes in which they were a bit creepy, stalkerish, kind of dubcon. Like the first seme stalking the uke for like 10 years, documenting everything. And then the second one saying things like: you disliking it could be hot too.

diddl July 10, 2023 9:25 pm

story literally starts off with assault, so that’s another one for the pile of shit, how has this a 8.9 rating when there is neither a plot nor consent.

    JALLY July 10, 2023 9:31 pm

    Just bc YOU don’t like it don’t mean other don’t.

diddl July 10, 2023 7:44 pm

2 stars (if even tbh)
honestly meh…I don’t like the seme. there were several dubcon moments and then the one non con office scene. like he’s always being so overboard., to the point the uke is really exhausted and says wait or no more. And then it’s brushed off with a „he’s a beast“. There’s a limit and he doesn’t care. I also find him to be manipulative.

    Kittycat July 11, 2023 5:42 pm

    So true, i really didn't like the seme

    Jyon July 17, 2023 4:39 am

    Right but also I don’t like the bottom either I still only think he likes him for his looks honestly this is just friends for benefits

diddl July 10, 2023 7:43 pm

3 stars
Art was beautiful, the story was okay. Not really good bc there was just too many mind games on both sides going on imo. I also think the uke was disrespectful towards the semes sister and her friends for no reason other than him being jealous (don’t know why bc the seme is gay) and him thinking his woman persona was superior. I generally thought a lot of things he said to be generalizing of women which was annoying as well. For all the ppl annoyed at MxW scenes, smh y’all be mad bc your bl fujoshi fantasy was destroyed in some scenes rather than being mad about the dude thinking he needs to be a woman to get railed by a guy. lol for real

    October 1, 2023 2:31 pm

    huh?? this is literally just a comedy it wasnt meant to be taken seriously like what

diddl July 10, 2023 7:41 pm

honestly kinda wish I didn’t read it. The first story was nothing special but okay. Had some cute moments apart from the whole reason for living bs. This sequel annoyed me off and ruined the story a bit. Or better said I could not stand the seme at all. He was possessive, distant, needlessly punished one of his yakuza members just bc he talked with the uke. As well as the non con scene. The extra and the cuddle at the end was cute but honestly that was such a bad sequel.

diddl July 10, 2023 7:40 pm

Love the artstyle didn’t like the seme. Like the dude talks about how he likes the seme respecting him and his job. But he literally assaulted him in his office just bc he was jealous. Then he talks about how he can’t forget ryo but proceeds to sleep with someone else. i mean that person was the worst of the worst but doesn’t mean that riku is good for treating that guy like that, literally using him and filming him. Like people like him are as dangerous as the dude that has spread the rumors. Creepy ppl surrounding each other…
Also again wasted potential for what could have been a good switching couple!

    Yuki Sora May 31, 2024 4:21 pm

    True, would someone have the stomach to sleep with someone who drugged the person they like? Ridiculous

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