diddl July 11, 2023 6:47 pm

Obviously the kouhai is some deranged sadist that honestly is a killer that hasn’t killed yet. He’s irredeemable. For me it’s okay to read a story where ppl are like that only if the relationship between the two messed up ppl is consensual and loving in it’s own way. No unhealthy power imbalances. I hope some things change bc so far it’s kinda onesided, also even tho I think the kouhai will be the seme unfortunately I still hope he’ll be the uke. Regardless it’s clear if that story was actually about two humans then of course this shit wouldn’t fly. Bc obviously the kohai is multiple walking red flags in one. Tbh I do feel bad bc i don’t want the vampire to be convinced of being a monster when he isn’t. Like I don’t need the kouhai to bring the vampire down to the same level of deranged. That would be the worst imo. So far the vampire is obviously more human than the kouhai ever was
(still reading)

diddl July 11, 2023 6:46 pm

Damn I was manifesting a switching couple! Bc they really have such seke vibes when they have sex. You seldomly have a seme that is really being touched or teased by the uke like normally only the uke are.
also one thing: just because the uke is standing next to a person that has the skin tone of a zombie at this point doesn’t mean he’s tanned or dark. like the uke is the shade of the average caucasian, nothing tan or dark about that. Y’all need to make yourself aware of the anchor effect! If this is considered dark we’ll never get fully deeptoned characters ever

    Doo July 13, 2023 1:02 am

    Shin is probably meant to be tanned tho since he works outside all day (when he was a street mechanic more than now but still). but yeah he's definitely not a dark skinned character, do ppl really say that ?

    diddl July 13, 2023 7:12 am
    Shin is probably meant to be tanned tho since he works outside all day (when he was a street mechanic more than now but still). but yeah he's definitely not a dark skinned character, do ppl really say that ? Doo

    At some point one of the tags here was about that, also the manga is some lists with that tag and I was sitting here like: bitch where? Where is the tan, where is the dark

    Bree July 13, 2023 5:56 pm

    Bruh I get it. This is really a thing. I hear it in Kdramas too. One character will say another character is tan and I'm so confused cause where? I kid you not, a Bangladeshi friend of mine said that shite to me, an actual dark skin person. He was like "I'm actually considered tanned" and I was like bruh, you are not tanned at all. In fact, he looked pale to me. I think it's just Asian countries that are obsessed with the deathly pale skin so a normal peachy colored person is considered tan to them. Obviously they haven't seen tanned white people or the Asians that have the same skin color as a mixed race or black person.

diddl July 11, 2023 6:43 pm

3 stars; Oh I hate the Tangata clan traditions, their whole system is based on s*xism and heteronormative bs as well as rxcism.
Also the smex scenes are really disappointing bc most of them are at least dub con. It’s annoying since I do like them as a couple and tukiri is devoted and respectful to Avel in their daily relationship but then most of the sex scenes are pushy, end up with Abel being unconscious bc it was too much. The only good smex scenes were in the latest two chapters or so.
I do like the miyarus clans custom, as the opposite to the tangata clan shit. Also like why did I have the feeling Avels mom hasn’t seen him for a longer time than just him going to the clan, like what’s up with this whole clans system and hierarchical false standards

diddl July 10, 2023 10:49 pm

Healthy and awesome couple dynamics in all of the stories! Queen ukes and shy semes! Fluff, nothing unhealthy but supportive couples! Also I kinda like the confident uke helps the seme build up his confidence, for the semes sake!
(Read 2020)

diddl July 10, 2023 10:42 pm

The manga was so wholesome!! I have to say though that i did not like the bonus chapter/aka their first time! That’s not how you write smex scenes, honestly I expected something better from such a manga to then be disappointed by the seme being very pushy. I also did not like the subplot of the family. Like why do they even want them to get together again? There’s a reason they aren’t together and considering how the son has to take care of the whole household alone and stuff like that are reasons why they divorced. To say they divorced because of usual couple arguments is completely missing the point. The parents shouldn’t get together again. Not with the dad like he is. It’s completely valid that she left but her son should have gone with the sister and his mom. The other thing is like why are they trying to push it. It’s the parents decision and relationship. That shouldn’t be forced. Nice if they can keep the patch work part but forcing them together again, is just weird.
(Read 2021)

diddl July 10, 2023 10:41 pm

Hanahaki - there should be so much more manga and stories with that trope!! Way to underrated and even in the fanfiction world it’s not that common and if it’s always so tragic :( (I can get behind angst like here when it has good endings but no tragedy pls)
Those two were so wholesome!

diddl July 10, 2023 10:38 pm

Could have been a lot better; I’d have preferred for yuki to just be a friend, also instead of a teacher student thing they could have made another student maybe student council president into the love interest of yuki; I’d have also preferred if yuki takao and hiro could have been good friends and that Hiro could have helped both of them overcome their fear of the dark as friends bc It’s kinda sad when hiro notices that yuki can’t go looking for takao when he went missing so I’d have liked for them to be good friends as well
(Read 2021)

diddl July 10, 2023 10:37 pm

So for me it’s 4 stars. I really like the art style, luca is so freaking cute and handsome and the piercing!! I also love how they are just so horny for each other with both of them being really forward. healthy and talking about what they want and exploring things. however it was bit rushed esp. if you think about how major Makoto’s decision is at the end, I would have liked to see their relationship develop more slowly or with more details. But yeah the only thing to really criticize is how it wasn’t really addressed that makoto obviously was someone very susceptible to prejudice. Like the way he basically made everything Luca said or did into him being a representation of his culture or him having a nightmare about Luca eating his pet like hello? He may be a maasai but he won’t eat your pet etc. Like it’s okay to initially make makoto how he was because it was a reaction to encountering sm from a very different culture but then it should at least be addressed and changed gradually and more transparently

(Read 2021)

    vulture July 11, 2023 5:41 am

    youre so right!! i really wished that part of makoto was expanded on, it wouldve made the manga so much better. i never see anyone really mention those things about interracial couples in manga when its,, very obvious that prejudice is there.

    Susan_1234 August 9, 2023 12:31 am

    Omg I disliked ur comment by mistake

    Killifish February 21, 2024 6:47 am

    I think he had that dream about Luca eating the pet because Luca joked about eating it when they met. It has nothing to do with prejudices and more with how we use dreams to process what happened throughout the day. I mean, when Luca made that joke, it really shocked Makoto, so obviously it‘s bound to be incorporated in his dreams

diddl July 10, 2023 10:35 pm

One of my most favorite bl, I reread it multiple times and I’m so in love with the both of them and their healthy and wholesome relationship!!
The main story is hard though so it that is something that does weigh in a lot to the whole sad and tragic feeling with the semes story

diddl July 10, 2023 10:08 pm

A perfect example of how only a good art can achieve high ratings even though the rest is average if not below average. Rio is so unbelievably unsympathetic to me, it’s like he emotionally didn’t age one bit since we saw him in the other stories as a child. He thinks, behaves and acts like a child. He’s 20 and behaves like a spoiled, selfish brat, that absolutely is the worst at communicating instead using force most of the time. The sex scenes weren’t satisfying cause for some reason a lot of Mangaka just use the word no as a filling word even though they actually wanted to draw consensual scenes which is just frustrating to say the least. I hate the fact that the thing with his dads was not resolved since the og story like wtf happened there, again he is like 20 or smth has been living with the fact that his dad remarried and has been living since he was a child with both of these dads and you want to tell me that he since that didn’t progress with them and their relationship. For 15 years? Like even if he had a problem all this time there’s just no way that this conversation wasn’t existing years earlier. So that just pisses me off that they made it like that. All in all huge waste of potential I’m sorry, no hate. It’s just, it could and should have been a lot better and (I’m just sad bc of this beautiful and breathtaking art) than it was and def does not deserve this high rating. Art isn’t everything!

I’ve read a few chapters but dropped it then (2021), is it worth reading it? Were those things resolved?

    LuluKillua August 28, 2023 5:29 pm

    no not resolved (it's not complete I think)

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