Just to give my opinion on this rape comments and stuff. Generally I’d would say that if the two persons are not a couple and one part is sleeping while the other person even if it’s the uke is having sex with the sleeping person, it could be considered as rape, because the person is not awake so there is no way he can give his consent or deny it. However, this situation is something else and you have to keep that in mind. First of all, those two are a couple and not just short term. But yeah that alone is no reason for it being not rape, because there are couples where rape occurs. The other reason though for it being not rape is by seeing there characters and there dynamic and the fact that both of these bois are horny ass bitches.. and if you analyze that you see, that this behavior of nemu isn’t something that maya would have denied. But yeah that reasoning is okay for this specific couple. So I don’t think that generally fucking a sleeping person is consented, therefore just fucking talk about stuff like that beforehand so there is no misunderstanding

Okay so far I’ve read the first chapter but I don’t like kaoru. Taking advantage of the seme and his broken heart because of his late wife like that is really bad. Also attacking him in his sleep is not cool. He was lucky that the seme woke up and actually wanted to sleep with him but otherwise his behavior wasn’t any better than the rape some seme do in situations like that. Additionally kaoru initially thought of fucking the seme ... sorry but I don’t like how people comment on how seme do borderline rapey stuff and if an uke does this ,it’s called queen uke etc. I love queen ukes but not the likes of kaoru
I really hope it gets better
Edit: I am happy that it turned out great for them. And without the first chapter it is pretty cute I admit. So it isn’t like this manga is not worth reading.
I do think there it is controversial with this type of behavior that kaoru pulled. Because it wasn’t like the “typical rape” like in those angsty / toxic relationship manga. So I wasn’t going to bash the people reading this story. But I just wanted to highlight that his behavior (apart from the borderline rape) with acting like the seme did something and has to take responsibility etc. (and not clarifying that till the end btw.)and sorry no one can deny that, was manipulative. Since it had a happy ending everything is cool Blabla. Still even though some call it a “fantasy” no one should forget that this borderline rape isn’t okay in real life. So as long as everyone is aware of this fact, you do you. But don’t ignore it just because it has a happy ending or because it was the uke trying to fuck the seme while he was sleeping and not the other way around

Love just love for this masterpiece!! Damn at the moment the manga is so freaking exciting !! Personally I think that neither Kuroda(?) (police president) nor the sensei are rum or really evil. At first I thought maybe no one of three will be rum but right now i think it’s the guy with the eye patch!!

Could the people that just plainly want to vent and annoy everyone else enjoying the story please shut up in this comment section?
It’s so annoying to come here every week and half of the comments are about how the story is not progressing and how this and that is not okay. ( I don’t mean the constructive criticisms ) Chillax people, if you are that annoyed by it,wait a few fucking weeks and then you can at least read more chapters in one go. But please don’t spoil the fun for others that just want to read the story and be in love with all the wonderful and adorable couples that djun gave us (and don’t forget about the fact that we have a chapter almost every week not like with many other manga where you wait months and the update that comes is some kind of disappointing extra)
I need to see them how they switch positions!