I need a second volume !! I need more of the main couple, their past and an official love confession from them both, I want to see the hacker boy and the other one together and I want to know more about the relationship between fuwa and the other chief inspector. Plus Idk why but I just get the feeling that there is more to the case and that the 18 year old boy also is some kind of perpetrator and maybe even the real mastermind ?! in any case he’s been affected by this psycho doc for years so he must have some serious issues
It’s to good of a story to not make a second volume.

First up that was one of the best omegaverse mangas I’ve ever read! Would love to see some sequels with the new born child and shizuku also being a teen and getting a crush on a boy etc.. Second big fat shoutout to the alpha boy because there are just a few mangas in which the alpha controls himself and I love how much he tried. Also i love the janitor and the comparison between the first exam and the second exam brought me tears to my eyes because the secretary also was kind of part of the development of the omega and his family and she was happy about that and I am happy about it.
My main problem though was the fact that apart from the janitor who had a bond and so wouldn’t react to the pheromones, every alpha was garbage. It’s like as soon as they just smelled a bit they were like horny dogs and I think that’s kinda unfair for like the whole alphas going on. It’s like the seme was the only single alpha in existence who used his brain a bit and that for me is unrealistic. For the sake of the story though I accept it, since the author choose to have the strong discrimination between alphas and omegas as a main setting for this trope

Heesoo is the badass we deserve and love! And I’m so happy that he grabbed that psycho ass uke gave him a taste of his own medicine. And the confession ...yesssssss!! I’ve often liked the second couple more than the main couple and this time it isn’t different! But I’ll only be really happy if the parents see what kind of filth this omega hoe is. I need them to know that he is toxic and shouldn’t get near the family ever again and that Dojuns reason for not dating wasn’t because he still loved that biatch (sorry for my strong words but this human is really nasty and deserves to go to jail and get some help!)

Not the biggest fan of the uke.Even if he relies on the seme and the seme wants to be relied on, the uke should at least do something. Have a part time job and do the chores. Sorry if I sound like a mother (which I’m not,I’m also just a Uni student) but it’s kinda rude that he doesn’t do something at least for his parents so that they don’t have to worry and also I’m sure they did a lot for him so he shouldn’t waste this effort
Otherwise cute art and cute couple but still had to nag about this neet issue

Idk man I'm sure he's gonna find a part-time job or something, I mean they did imply he could and wanted to, he just looks lazy, I mean I can relate to him a lot I'm just so lazy and I do hate to get a job, but life is life, I'll get one and still complain bc I can LOL idk I'm just trying to explain what he may have been feeling. I mean he did try to get a job as a porn actor, so it means he wants a job. Idk I just think he's not that bad, he's just badly trying hakdbakabdksbakndf

Haha I know what you mean I’m sure he’ll get a part time job at some point but yeah I was just venting because doing nothing is just acceptable for a certain amount of time and he just looked like someone who really doesn’t care (in fact he cared so little that he would do the first thing presented to him - not judging anyone who is a porn actor but If he wants to be one than at least be a bit more informed about all the things it comes with )
Where a person is most vulnerable (the first story and chapter and also the title of the whole one shot compilation was pretty cute so three stars for that but the other ones were not worth the read