I dunno who to turn to or where to release my inner thoughts so im really sorry for the rant.
I have a bf of 6 mths but we get to know each other earlier but not as close as we r right now. After knowing him, i feel like hes too clingy. We r in ldr n i dont mind we updating each other bout our lives but he always extending the talk. Like if i tol...... 2 reply
I fell in a drain n got call out in front of the whole school cuz my discipline teacher wanted to tell us to be caution when stepping on the drain cover u might fall into it. So she used my name as an example....(  ̄ー ̄)ノ 1 reply
Agreed. Like these days the way they wrote bout female characters make some ppl hate on them like y do they hav to write them as a annoying/bad person. It makes ppl to hav no choice but to hate on them cuz they literaly make tje character to be a 'villain'. N the ppl who hate on well-written characters r just an ass it makes my blood boil when i se...... reply
I literally have this same question living rent free in my brain for many yrs. Thank u for asking this question (i genuinely need the response cuz i lowkey feel ashame to ask stuff like this TT) 1 reply
Ive fainted i think twice in front of the whole school (theres a gathering) cuz i was havin a high fever for almost 2 weeks n i push through classes cuz i got a midterm. At least they were being nice bout it tho but its still embarrassing for me TT reply
Anything that involves shota/loli like eventho i know the characters are old but if they were drawn like kids i just cant (this is in a context if the story's genre is romance) reply
Pls i need someone to trash talk the released teasers. Even before they announce theyre gonna make a live action ive rejected it without 2nd thoughts n now theyre making it.. ITS NOT EVEN THE LEAST FAITHFUL TO THE NOVEL WTFFFFFF IS THISSS AAAAAAAA Y TF R THEY USING GUNSSSSS THIS IS BS THE CAST ALSO SUCCCCCCCCC AAAAAAAAAAAA (no hate towards them but the casting choice..... its clear that theyre trying to use their popularity to rake in views but this is orv y would they thought no one would watch it TTTT) I HATE ITTTTTTTT CAN SOMEONE ERASE THIS MOVIE FROM EXISTENCE TTTTTTTT
I really want to continue read my manhwas/gas but this reading slump ughhhh. My want to read list is piling up TTTT. What should i do to get out of it? (/TДT)/
Just curious cuz for me i dont like veggies like any type of veggies. I think i didnt eat veggies since i was like 7 yrs old lmao. I also dont like to eat shelled seafoods (except crabs n shrimps). Most fruits is out too n my countries' traditional dessert (dunno y)