who knew the crown prince would be the first one to voice his (exaggerated) concern abt the twins? he looked the typical cold tsundere eldest brother who only looked out and cared for his siblings in the most nonchalant and subtle ways, it took me by suprise. i thought it'd be alec or eiji but suprise suprise

i still feel uneasy when it comes to jeanette, but when athy came thru her window, she just grabbed her and hugged her tight with tears falling from her eyes and that was so pure. to think that jeanette was still worried for athy's safety and condition when she could have grabbed the opportunity to impose on claud and earn his affection and refuse to help athy but she didn't. she didn't hover over athy and ask her questions that might make her feel uncomfortable but instead just offered her a place to stay and food to eat and a friend to rely on. or she could just be really obsessed over wanting a family idk bruh im tired

claude was such an asshole in lp, imagine meeting your daughter at age 9 but repeatedly paying her no attention but when another girl is presented as his daughter at age 14, he what?? hE ACCEPTS HER WITH HIS WHOLE CHEST TF then he kills his daughter who was physically reminiscent of his true love w/o a blink of an eye and when it was revealed that jeanette was not his daughter after all, but his brother's who betrayed and tried to kill him when he was younger, it was... okay?? bullshit. and he didn't even feel the slightest remorse even tho he killed his true daughter. what bull.

I'll give a bit of a spoiler to explain that:
Claude's black magic was used to forget Diana. The magic takes 7 years to complete so when Claude first saw Athy (at 9 years old) he had already forgotten Diana and thought Athy was his child from a random dancer/concubine. On top of that Jennette has a magic to make everyone like her so she was immediately liked by Claude and when Jennette was poisoned he got really mad and ended up killing Athy because she was his child from a random person to him.

ooh I see now. so that was why he was saying that he was close to forgetting diana in the early chapters when athy was still a little kid. I recalled him saying that only a year left and he could have forgotten about Diana. Was the black magic also the reason why he got his amnesia? Or was it entirely Anastacius' doing?
the panel where the emperor was all soft because arien requested to have ishina back and apparently it was the first thing she/they asked of him and he looked genuinely happy, my heart swells pLS i think he actually cares for the twins' happiness and safety not just bcs he has to but because he's their father,, this is too many feelings i will combust pLS