These days its something like
7:00am: Wake up
7:30am: Actually get up and get ready
8:20-30am: Otw to school
8:45am: Study
3:00pm: Head home
4:00pm: Otw 2 extra classes
4:15pm: Study
6:00pm: Head home
6:15pm: Arrive and help out in the kitchen
7:00pm: Eat and watch wtv show im into
8:45pm: Otw 2 MORE extra classes
9:00pm: Study
11:00pm: Head home
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I feel that I'd be so much more busy if I was in a rs which is relatively smth good for me because I'd always have someone to talk to but I don't think I've felt this much peace since i started dating
Doing things for your own sake and not someone else's is lowk so freeing especially when it involves appearance or accomplishments 1 reply
IWATCHED HANNIBAL SO LONG AGO BUT IT STILL HAS A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART Genuinely the show was so fantastic from story to pacing it was AMAZING u could nvr feel bored during it and there ws always smth so shocking around the corner
I like how they actually put out Hannibal's calculated and sophisticated nature during his crimes and didn't just m...... 1 reply
fuck i know this is a corny ass question to ask esp on this site but i gen needs tips Especially in an argumentative essay PLEASE my teacher's bald ass wont give us any advice i fucking Suck at this french shit
Do you guys ever think about the day you'll get married and realise that your parents probably won't attend? I can't help but feel bad everytime they do me something good and i realise how disappointed they'd be if i ever came out to them, if not angry and hostile. I'd probably end up succumbing to the pressure and end up marrying "normally" just for the sake of my father holding my hand and walking me down the aisle or my mother sharing tips and "grown up gossip" for parenthood. I know it won't end up well but I can't bear to be seen as the family castout, let alone the disowned member. Is this a shared fear?
why are wlw breakups actually the worst?? Ive gotten over men in a matter of days but Id literally b lying if I said im over my first wlw rs from fuckin years ago I guess it's bc Ive only evr dated men out of curiosity but is this srsly a thing? I see a lot of ppl say wlw breakups r devastating but im not sure if its an inside joke im missing on or a real experience lol