For someone so loyal and wholesome he has such a gooner face like youd think he was a toxic seme from a psychological webtoon or something lol
Ok but i did not expect that sonic gif at the end lol
Why he be asking dumb questions and then does a full ass flashback where he answers his own question tf
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, MC isnt obliged to reciprocate his best friend’s feelings and he can date who he wants. If he wants to get knocked up by a sussy rich alpha who’s making him discover his freak side, then let the boy.
I think im too used to happy historical bl that the possibility of a psychological abusive historical bl didnt occur to me lol
If MC had a sliver of cunningness to him he could just manipulate the king to good governance and then just kill him
Am i just too old and jaded of a fujoshi to be angry at this like some of yall lol its really not that deep and its like a 2 hour read. Turn off ur brain and enjoy the smut my guys
I appreciate the translation, really, but can’t the words be horizontal TT
*reads the TW*
Me: How bad can it be
*first panel*
Me: Alright
Can somebody remind me how he cheated i have the memory of a goldfish
I was letting this marinate, have they done the deed yet?
Yall, the MC is just discovering his freak and tbh good for him?? So far the only bad thing sunbae has done was not telling him he came inside and that it was plan B (really dumb move like, why even). If MC gets pregnant and ML skedaddles or becomes abusive then that’s when the pitchforks rise but despite his sleezy demeanor he hasn’t done anything terrible (yet)