Lavender created a topic of Jinx

Honestly, the funniest thing about all this drama is there is NO future in this relationship. If Dan gets with Jaekjung, then what? No seriously, then what?

I'm going to crunch some numbers real quick:
Jaekyung is 26 yrs old.
If he continues to have a good career he will retire around mid to late 30s (avg age for boxers is 35 because after that they physically break down).
If he blows out his shoulder it will be way before that.
So that means at most Dan is expecting 10-15 years more of this crazy-ass, violent behaviour (as well as messed up power dynamics).

But I'm not done. CTE kicks in the early 40s if you are lucky, early to mid-30s if you aren't lucky and could even present prior. This means even AFTER this guy retires he's still going to be beating the crap out of Dan and most likely going to become less coherent and more violent (essentially he's going to become a violent dementia patient). Finally, CTE takes years off of your life expectancy so Jaekjung will probs die around 60-65 yrs of age (if he doesn't succumb to suicidal thoughts (symptom of CTE) or if someone else doesn't take him out first)

So like why are we staying? There's nothing to look forward to. And they are in Korea so it's not like he can marry him for his money. It's funny in the way that Dan is going through all of these trials and tribulations for literally nothing. Like girl, it's a lose-lose situation

Okay, I understand that her family felt uncomfortable/hostile towards her because their souls were switched, but do they feel any shame?

They straight up neglected Camilla and let her be bullied, isolated and made into a joke by society as well as always assumed the worst of her (and then later found out they were completely wrong).

If you realized your perception of her was wrong, and you changed your behaviour toward her as a result, how can you avoid feeling guilty about the way you treated her in the past? How can they act so shamelessly and expect gifts from her without even properly apologizing to her for everything they put her through?

Lavender created a topic of Beasts of Desire

So is the old guy his grandfather or his dad's business partner?

Bro his sister already killed him once and now she's going to kill him again

Lavender created a topic of Oshi no Ko

Hmm, I've been enjoying this story, but some aspects bother me. Hikaru's backstory aligns with the trope of a traumatized child turned vengeful adult due to exploitation. It's clear that his experiences with an older woman as a child shaped his twisted outlook on life, leading him to target successful women in his quest for vengeance. The core reason for Hikaru's penchant for 'stealing talented women's potential' stems from having his innocence taken by a talented/successful woman.

On one hand, I appreciate the attempt to draw parallels between Hikaru and Ai, both victims of predatory adults who coveted their beauty and 'shininess.' Both had to carefully curate an innocent and untainted image to survive, akin to polished gems hiding imperfections. Yet, internally, they grapple with twisted emotions and misplaced blame for the trauma inflicted upon them. This stark contrast between their outward presentation and inner turmoil is where the metaphor of 'lies' arises. This is also why I would argue that the person who knew Ai best was Hikaru as they both shared similar backgrounds and experiences.

While I appreciate the use of the gem metaphor, its application troubles me. It's problematic to suggest that these children were targeted solely based on their attractiveness and that their 'shininess' compelled others to covet them. This notion, coupled with the excuse of 'lookism,' almost absolves perpetrators of their actions (ā€œthe power of lookism, turns people into monstersā€ Why are we acting like this out of oneā€™s control?). I believe focusing on the violence and malice perpetrated by adults, rather than solely on the children's beauty, would have been a more appropriate approach.

I think what the author was trying to imply when comparing Hikaru and Ai with a gem was something similar to that of blood diamonds, where the conflict arises from human greed and exploitation rather than the inherent value of the gems themselves. Both Hikaru and Ai are victims of circumstances beyond their control, stained by the actions of adults who sought to possess them.

Then again it could just be a translation issue, as sometimes things donā€™t translate well or the meaning/nuance gets lost or not conveyed as accurately. Future chapters could also delve deeper into this subject or I could have interpreted this wrong.

If anyone else interpreted this differently please share your thoughts in the comments, as I like to hear others thoughts and opinions.

Lavender created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Please, my man is selling his pride for some unseasoned chicken breast

I'm happy I'm not the only one who has gone feral for these butlers

I won't lie, this chapter was adorable, but this guy already had plans for his and Alicia's future together to the extent that he had already adopted a family pet. He shouldn't have to 'recognize his feelings' when he has been rallying to become her husband since Day 1

Lavender created a topic of How To Break Up With Him.

Is he playing hard to get or are you playing hard to get rid of?

Lavender created a topic of Crush and Burn

Ken x Happiness. TBH I don't like Agia regardless of his background he's horrible to Ken so he better do some serious chasing and character development if he's end game. While white hair isn't really better, I don't think they'll end up together since he seems in love with 'Cain.' No matter how similar Ken and Cain are, I don't think a relationship based on the past will work.

Lavender created a topic of ENNEAD

So..... do you guys think that's how Nick Cannon produces his children?

Lavender created a topic of The Path Of Star

You know normally I would never say this because I hate book-to-show/movie adaptations. But I think this story would make for a super cute k drama.

Once again men weaponizing their mommy issues to hurt other women. Just once I'd like someone to go to therapy

Lavender created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

So do you guys think he smells more like a candle or a car air freshener?

Lavender created a topic of Chaotic Nights

Wait is this about the older sister or the younger sister? Because I like the older sister more

Lavender created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

What do you mean by "my enemy and best friend"? It could be a mistranslation and he meant 'rival,' but to call Kael an enemy when he has only ever been loyal to the crown is beyond insane.

And Let's just ignore the insanity that 'I thought he'd be fine as long as I got my happy ending despite the fact that I ruined his life' thought process

Lavender created a topic of Honey? Beast!

Nothing could have prepared me for those toes

Lavender created a topic of Guilty Affection

Y'all remember the freaky baby/kid from Twilight? That's what I think about every time I see a child in this story