why do ifeel like that the girl only like him out of jelousy and the fact her grades going down? also that mysterious girl i feel like she"ll make the boy liker her so much she'll eventually break up with him after using him
the girl wanted a normal high school life and those 2 is gonna help her make it somewhat happen

Or... Maybe, just maybe, the weird girl wanted to have a normal high school life (have a boyfriend, make new friends etc) because she doesn't have a long life to live, maybe before their graduation she'll die because she have an untreated illness or what. Just my analysis tho with the way she acts and with the flow of the story.

im straight and i dont usually read lesbian books since it doesn't really catch my attention but im interested about this girl life since doona didn't want a relationship with her. i do have to say that blonde looks pretty and her expressions looks somewhat... i cant really describe it but man if i was gay her personality would be a turn off lol

girl im sorry but haw can somebody tits just so easily fall out?
well i wouldn't know im a cup B
but sesei fine doe but you gotta butter me up if you tryna have seggs with me
pull that rape crap on my ill freaking kick ya
anyways there quite a few guys o there that are fine and im a sucka for muscular dudes with tattoos
me and that dude can be partners in crime and in bed