its the ones that act like saints wanna talk the most but act like they just didnt get done reading it lol
porn is porn you"ll have a lot of bad things in it
people dont support rape but this is porn a fictional book that people dont care about it. its also about a demon A demON who does this crap. maybe little kids need to log out for real stuff like this. be complaining too much like gurl bye- we dont care leave :)
i love the fact she didn't give in but instead spoke her mind lol
i wanna see him chase her instead of giving her hints the lady won't pay no mind to it because it isn't a serious problem as long he sticks to her plan and she got him in her palm then she gucci.
The lady not stupid but at the moment she doesn't care if somebody has fallen for her. she has her mind set straight on what she wants to do.
i mean she been living for years and been brought back to her life she's like a old lady in a way lol that woman does not wanna get in no romantic relationship any time soon.
everybody have their opinions and i ship her with lester
to me it wasn't like he liked her back when she was young obviously.
i feel bad for lester and if in the end he won't be with her then at least let him find someone that's worth it and that he won't be so heartbroken.
He probably fell for her as she got older like around 18 or so never once it showed him liking her child image and the fact she was a kid. People date others older than them and you got some that grew up together and date each other. But she only see him as a brother so in the end he won't get chosen.
i don't see it as a child predator thing at all since that was never his ya'll need to chill.. already giving out accusations lol people tryna put him in jaillllll
so like does roxanna young brother jeremy likes that girl?
because man he"ll such as a bf lol
(i'll take him) (how old is he?)