So much immaturity, you have nothing else to do but read each other and console each other in the comments kids?
Do you need help that much? you clearly have a problem with externalizing your feelings, was it your psychologist who advised you to do so on a non-existent character?
people take 2 days or 4 (maybe weeks, who knows) to insult a character, bro I wonder what you're like in real life. surely someone in distress.

Wow so your fighting with everyone, your the most pathetic person I have ever seen online OH MY GOSH I AM DYING YOUR SO FUNNY!!!! I bet you don't have friends, and I bet someone pissed in your drink this morning it. The fact that you have sooo much energy being a dickhead says a lot about you, hope you control that AMAZING anger of yours, cause I your keeping me sooo entertained, slay queen you do you!!!

also don't you find it a bit contradictory to refer to people as "normies" as in insult while in the same breath clowning on those same people for not even using instagram, but using it as a demonstrative example, and telling them to go touch grass amongst other things? you know using instagram and touching grass are pretty "normie" things to do, right?
(not that "normal" is even something we should give that much of a fuck about on here of all places. lol. lmao, even)

I don't understand all this hatred over a fictional character... He's made so you don't like him and it works on you but why u feel the need to write it down and insult his inexistent family tree like he's the one who rqped u ?

Tbh what i hate is the author for romanticising such behaviour with the excuse of his handsome face. And do you know how much she earns with her merch by feeding off of this kind of a story? It's none of my business but this story and her merch is overrated in my opinion and doesn't deserve this much attention.

Tbh he's just very verbally abusive and sexually selfish there's potential for redemption people just love hating his character. I find it enjoyable myself reading all the negative comments he receives.
His hypothetical fam better have an mouth dropping explanation for why he is such an ass. Otherwise the comments won't improve lmao
I have hope for the story, I really think that jk being such garbage will payoff if there is a chase/redemption arc. I'm not reading the story until the comments start talking about him making attempts to be better

Threesome when?

Are you sure u ok? Breath some fresh air pls and I hope u're not traumatized about a random person who's having fun on the internet.
So back to what u're saying up there : "She never said this is gonna be a threesome" and then what? Authors don't spoil their works u idiot, they'll give u indications that's all, even if she didn't say it that means it's uncertain that's what I'm saying. "UNCERTAIN" it might/might not happen, and don't care if it doesnt happen, author do whatever they want. I'm not here to impose it.
"It's so weird of you to keep pushing your fantasy on the author and her works" it's technically what makes artists works alive u stupid, talking about what's gonna happen/might happen, not the end of the word if the threesome doesn't happen, just discuss.
"If you want threesome go fcking get your troupe in other stories" I hate fkning thresomes always a deception, authors don't know how to write them there's only 2 or 3 that are worthy. So no, I won't go other stories, thx.
"Why you so adamant about threesome when you fckin don't care about the plot." True, I stopped this sh!t since it's going nowhere and no progress but here for the art.
"You will get your threesome in your little parallel universe. I wish you best of lucks." Of course I will, and obviously u'll leave me be and with ure regards.
The people there who talk about rape and who think that the people who like this work are crazy... Uh... We are not sane if we like this manhua then who has the right to like it? after all there is effort behind this work, an author, a drawn and written story. According to you, it's for weird people, maybe you even think that it is for rapists and that it can only be appreciated by them. uh, why put so much effort into these scum of humanity? why would we be interested in them by creating works for them that only sick people would like? Author is sick in the head? Then why do people let her post things like that and don't stop her ? if I continue your reasoning everyone is crazy. The answer to this question is simple, use your macaque brains.
Yeah yeah. We heard you the 1000th time and we still don't care. Now go away little man. You're insufferable. UGH.
Dude, ignore my comment above. I misfired. It was meant for another Jinx hater comment. Feel free to delete it. He he [sweaty grin]
hey so basically, it is not abt who appreciates what. people would still read this if it didnt have rape bc it is written by a famous author and the story itself is interesting. and look i still read this and i will still read it bc i wanna see that mf suffer. i dont hate the story. please stop insulting people for their opinion. everyone is nice in the comments but you are ruining it… im not trying to be mean. wnd i bet your opinion would be otherwise if dan was a woman.
Bro su
you dont even belong in the convo either so stfu, why u feeling isulted? "If dan was a women" bro previously responded to this, I read josei (I bet u don't even know what it means) there's rape and still like it, coz it's not real they don't exist so fk off.
I respect constructive opinions btch not the "oh I hate this shit, it's rape" bruuuuuh su
Wht are u responding to 4 months old comment? Oh let me guess, you checked my profile like a creep gross